Building My Colony – As my Persona

The last few days my colony has been getting built. Since I am just a young girl I didn’t do much building, but I did help provide food and drink for the workers. Sometimes I do wish I could help with some of the things the boys get to do but I don’t really mind not all doing the hard work.

The last few days I’ve been quite lonely, I mean father’s been building, mothers been getting the slaves situated and instructing the workers on what to do. Since I haven’t been able to make any friends I’ve just been talking to the maids that are helping me cook.

In the end it is all coming together perfectly and I think are colony will be a pretty, happy and exiting new adventure

Colonial America – pt 2 – Persona

My name Emma Peterson. In my colony I am the plantation owners daughter. My responsibilities are to go to school, do chores, plan parties and learn how to one day become a suitable wife. I have many relationships like my Mother, Father, slaves, and other young girls just like me. I think I keep my colony a success by making sure there is another generation of plantation owners, If there was not anymore plantation owners our colony wouldn’t work out because there wouldn’t be anyone to take charge when problems on the plantation occur. In conclusion I thing that even though I live an easy life compared to others my role is still very important to me and to others.