Feature Article Reflection

We are headed to the computer lab” I hear Mrs. Cooper say for the fourth time this week. Inside the computer lab we got straight to work on our Feature Articles. The way I came up with my topic, Squash, was that I have been playing for a long time and it has really been a fun, hard, and exciting sport.

One part that was super fun to write was the introduction. The introduction was really fun because we could make it as funny or serious as we wanted. We had complete control on what we wanted to write in it. Another really fun part was the actual writing process. This was the most fun because we could write and write and write without stopping for a long time. All though that might sound bad, for me it was really fun because I love to type and I could get so much work done. This was also really fun because I got to compare my work with all of my friends and we could help each other create new ideas, messages, etc. Also I had a lot of fun researching a little bit more about squash in general. 

Making the feature article was very hard. There were so many steps, trips to the computer lab, revising, and more. At first it was hard for everyone to start because there were so many options to write about. And on top of that some topics would not have enough information to write about (although most did). Another thing that was super challenging was making the layout, and finding pictures for the final product. This was very challenging because whenever I looked up Squash on google, only photos of the actual food popped up. This was also really hard because we had to use a creative commons license to find our photos. If you don’t know what a creative commons license is it is basically this thing that some photos are classified in, and all it is is that you can use those photos without copyright. For some people there were little to NO photos under creative commons for their topic. 

In conclusion, making the feature articles was a fun, hard and tiring experience. Then we are called back into the computer lab. This will be one of our last days to finish the articles before we start printing them. Everyone is working so hard, wether it be making the layout, finding pictures, and so much more!


Here is my Feature article:

Extreme Weather Reflection

I was kind of nervous because Mrs. Rago said that some other kids that she has taught before were not so excited about doing the presentations on Wildfires, Hurricanes, Tornados, Tsunamis, and Earthquakes. I was ecstatic about doing wildfires so that was ultimately my choice. The original people in my group were Alex, Daniel, Charlotte, Bella, and me but then Alex left to do Tornados then Leah joined us. I was excited to work with everyone in my group but in the beginning it was a little rough because Leah and I got into an argument about who should do effects and I eventually let her do effects. 


Finding information was easy for me because there are a bunch of ways a wildfire can be caused. They can be caused by cigarettes, campfires, powerlines, volcanic activity, lightning, etc. Those were ways that they can be caused by humans and there was more information on how wildfires can be caused by nature too. I found most of my information on Google or Ebooks. I found a lot of information that was useless for me but it was useful to Daniel. For example, I might find an article on a historical wildfire and it would not help me because I studied the Causes of Wildfires but could help someone else.


When I was memorizing I thought it would be impossible because I had never memorized anything besides lyrics to songs! Then I realized that I memorized the lyrics to songs by looking at the lyrics on a phone and singing the lyrics off there and that if I just kept on saying my script then I would just memorize it. It kind of worked like that but when I was memorizing, I had no expression so when I rehearsed with my group I had to practice with expression by reading my script over and over again I memorized it. 


What I am most proud about the presentation is how I got to do three slides and two of the slides were my slides on causes and one of my slides was the conclusion.


My Expert Book: Deadly Sharks

I was so excited to write my expert book but coming up with my idea was hard work. First, I listed out things I knew a lot about. Once I decided which thing I knew the most about I had to braindump. That basically means that I wrote everything I know about my topic, Sharks. I also had to read a lot to get the information I needed to write all about it. Next, I had to organize it which would probably be my least favorite part. When I was organizing to make chapters, subtitles and more I realized that I had way too much information to write down so I changed my chapter names, title, and more. Then I had to start all over again. Then I wrote it down, all of it then I wrote it on the computer which made me think “why was I supposed to write it down on paper if I am going to recycle it?” Finally I had to edit. Editing was really fun. I got to put photos, captions, fun facts, and much more. My favorite part was definitely adding the photos. It was very easy to get photos. First you have to go to insert then go to image then search the web. I hope you liked reading my book!

This is my expert book.



Thank you for reading.