Persuasive Writing


Have you ever wondered “ Why don’t you see elephants with tusks?” Or “why haven’t I seen this type animal?” If you haven’t wondered about this, you should. People need to stop poaching animals for their skin, tusks, and fur. 


Stop poaching. I think that if poaching was stopped then many animals that are extinct  currently might not have been extinct. And endangered animals would not be endangered because poaching kills a lot of animals. For example elephants are evolving to not grow tusks because elephants are hunted and killed for their tusks because their tusks have ivory.


Another reason why I think that illegal poaching should be stopped is because animals like tigers, sharks, elephants, etc might go extinct in 2030 or 2025 due to poaching.Also there are so many beautiful animals that might go endangered or even extinct. And even worse animals are killed for fun or sport. It is supposed to be “fun” but it is the complete opposite. Animals like birds and sharks are killed with arrows or guns just to win a game.


My third reason is that illegal poaching should be stopped because if there are illegals poachers out there that kill animals, and there are only a few laws blocking the illegal poaching, the illegal poachers might kill the animals that do not have laws protecting them or they might break the law just to kill animals which is a horrible thing. Also the illegal poachers might be ( in the future ) one of the most dangerous things to animals.


You might be thinking “What would this do for the world?” Well, it would make sure that predators and other animals would not be extinct/endangered if some to most animals went extinct, that would mean that the food chain would not work. For example, if the food chain does not work, then there would be way too many animals that would normally be eaten by predators such as fish or mice. That would mean that fish would wipe out the remaining food in the ocean and the ocean would just be water and rocks. If the fish did that then eventually there will be no more food and they will die without food. Same with many other animals and environments. And eventually it will get to humans and we will have no food left and will be wiped out.


Illegal poaching should be stopped because it is pointless. There are only a few reasons people poach. And trust me the reasons are crazy. One of the reasons is for fashion. Some people kill cheetahs for real cheetah print. Or elephants for their ivory in their tusks. Another reason is because of sports. There are many sports that kill animals like hunting birds, sharks, foxes, wolves, etc. And they do that for fun. Another reason is they do it to “protect” other animals. They say “protect” because they think that when they kill predators they think that they are saving animals from being eaten. Although that is sometimes true they are still killing animals to save animals which is pointless because if you kill a wolf you might think “Oh I just saved a small bunny but in reality that bunny might not have even been eaten and then you just killed a wolf for no reason.


Last but not least, Illegal poaching should be stopped because even though poachers do it for fun or for fashion they do not think about what that does to the animals. How would you like it if you were relaxing, watching a movie and then all of the sudden you were shot? Well that is similar to what poachers do to animals. They would just be chilling and then BAM! They get shot. If you think about it that way then animals are killed because it is fun for humans.







I picked stopping illegal poaching because it is a serious problem. A difficult part was when I had to record, because when I recorded there was a lot of background noise, and the microphone I used did not work well. I enjoyed researching about poaching and the animals that get killed and why. I learned how to use a persuasive voice when I wanted a trampoline when I was seven and I had to persuade my parents to get me one and it worked. When I wrote my persuasive poem, Stop Poaching I could not think of what I wanted to write about then suddenly it came to me.