Vote For Me

Joshua Keh your voice your way! If you don’t already know from the previous sentence, my name is Joshua Keh and you may be wondering “what is this for?” and I would say to you.. That I am running for class President! A few things that you should know about me is that I will always keep to my promises, I will never look down upon other people and I will NEVER EVER lie to you!

The first thing that I would change at Heathcote would be the whole entire fifth grade lunch system. Now you may be thinking that everything is perfect because we have fifth grade privilege, but you would be wrong because we don’t even have that! We also have to raise our hand to get up just to throw out a piece of tin foil! And if we want to use the bathroom we first have to raise our hand and wait a few minutes for someone to let us get up. then we need to walk up to an aid who has bathroom passes because without them we can’t use the bathroom. And sometimes they are even out of passes so we have to wait even longer and by the time we get to the bathroom lunch is basically over! If you vote for me I will make it so that you do not need bathroom passes and if you need to then you can just get up and throw your things out. 

The second change I would make would be the fifth grade specials. Although we have the same specials as everyone else we only have them at 8:50 in the morning!Which is 15 minutes after school starts! I would make it so that the specials would be spread out because sometimes we need a break and a special would be a great time to take one. For example, say I would make it so that we have art at 1:45 or PE at 11:00  And I don’t know about you but I do not want to run a mile basically right when school starts.

In conclusion, you should vote for me because I will change the lunch system, and I will change the specials schedule for the better! Vote Joshua Keh for a better day!