Twenty-Two inches! We have to have won this index card tower! NOOOO! It fell over. But now we have a new and better strategy and it uses less cards! Twenty-Four inches. Let’s go! We won! The index card tower is an activity where you have 100 index cards to build the tallest tower. Our name was “Timmy’s Tallest Tower” Because we knew that we would have the tallest tower because of our cooperation, and the fact that we all had different jobs that were very helpful. That was just one of the many fun things that we did in the first week! And I know that there will be many more fun projects like that in the future.
One thing that I enjoyed this week is the index card challenge. I really liked this activity because I got to interactively build and strategize with my table about how to build it so it was stable and would ot fall over when we put the cards on it or accidentally touch it. Another reason I really enjoyed this project is the fact that we all had different jobs and because of that we all cooperated and I had the job of folding all of the papers so that we could stack the bent papers on top of eachother with a flat one in between. Other jobs consisted of… Livy built it, Talia strategizing and telling us when she thought that it was wobbling or unsturdy, and Yuval was doing a little bit of all of it. Finally we also got to 22 inches which was the best that any table got. And I felt super glad that we got first place. I also had lots of fun during the we make a difference project, especially when we had to draw our portraits of ourselves and mine was fine, but one thing was that my hairline was non-existent and I had a one hundred head instead of a forehead. My face was so long it looked like a giga chad with that crazy mewing jaw line that I put on myself. I gave myself a nose like squidward from spongebob or gru from minions. Another fun thing that happened was on the walk back from lunch/recess, my friend Theo told my other Friend Livy to chug her plastic water bottle so Livy did what Theo said and started to chug, and then my dumb impulsive thought squeezed the water bottle and since it was plastic water sprayed all over her . Then I must have given Theo an idea because then when Livy started to chug her water again, Theo squeezed the water ten times harder than me and got all of Livy’s clothes wet to the point that she was dripping and her face was covered in water. Same thing happened the day after and she got even more wet than the day before. Except it was only Theo who squeezed it.
One thing that I am looking forward to this year is the volleyball game against the teachers. One reason that I am looking forward to the volleyball game is that the teachers have not won in a while and I hope to keep that streak going. I am also looking forward to the Halloween party because I think that it will be fun to see and play with all my friends when we are in our costumes. We will be doing a group costume thing and it will be very fun!
In conclusion, the first few weeks of school were very fun and I had the most fun doing projects with my friends! I know that we will have a lot more fun and hard challenges! I can’t wait to do more! What were some fun things that you did when you were in fifth grade?