Imagine you just finished your writing project that you’ve been working on for 2 months and then your tech teacher tells you you’ve formatted everything incorrectly. Now, you have to change most things that you’ve done. How frustrating is that! Well, that’s how I felt when it came to formatting my feature article. Read to find out more about my chaotic troubles and what I enjoyed most.
One thing I I enjoyed most about writing my feature article was writing my topic sentences. What I found most challenging was writing my conclusion. I enjoyed writing my topic sentences the most because it was simple and it was enjoyable to create a hook. For example, one of my hooks is “You might be wondering if you played softball, what position could you play? Well there are 3 sections and many positions in those sections. Those sections are called infield, outfield and pitcher/catcher.” There are two parts of a topic sentence.The first part of the hook is, You might be wondering if you played softball, what position could you play? This part is the hook.The hook has to meet the requirements of entertaining your reader. While on the other hand the 2nd part has to meet the requirements of giving your reader a list of things you are going to talk about.The second part should sound something like this “ Well there are 3 sections and many positions in those sections. Those sections are called infield, outfield and pitcher/catcher.)
I found the conclusion most challenging because we had to recommend how to learn more about the topic we choose.This was challenging because there weren’t really any websites to recommend to the reader. Which made my conclusion not so strong but besides from that my conclusion turned out pretty good.Heres a sneak peak of what it sounds like. “Now you know everything about softball such as the positions of softball, what to pack and the difference between softball and baseball.Now that you learned all about softball I encourage you to play and take action in the fun sport. If you play, what position will you play?”
Know that you know all about chaotic troubles and what I enjoyed most. I encourage you to try to make a feature article about your favorite topic. If you make a future article what would you make yours about?