Hi, I’m Jesse and I’m running to be 5CL”s student president. I like playing sports and hanging out with my friends. The thing is, most of the time I can’t because six hours of the day, I’m at school . After that I have sports and homework to do. Do you also wish you had more recess during the day? Can I take a break from all of the hard thinking and stress?  Well this always happens and probably for you too. To be less stressed and enjoy your childhood more, vote for Jesse to be your class president.

One thing that I will change in class is that students get more days off. This is because after a week of school you’ve officially spent 30 hrs in school which is more than a day which is crazy! This can also lead to kids being really tired and make them lose focus, and potentially get bad grades. I will make this happen by talking to Mrs. Stile and she will hopefully say yes.

Another thing that I will change in class is having more recesses during the day. This is because during the day kids get very tired from all of the work they do. This can also help them refocus from all of the work they have been doing. I will make this happen by talking to Mr. Borgia and hopefully he will say yes.

I think you guys got my point on why I think I should be president already, on how we should have more recess and more days off. If you want to make all of this stuff happen , vote for me. Wait don’t forget, If you vote for me life in class will be amazing.