Home of the Brave

In Home of the Brave by Katherine Applegate, Kek is a boy who is a refugee from Sudan and moves to Minnesota because of a war in sudan.

Windows are opportunities to learn about people.Mirrors are when you see the same in yourself as the character.

One way Kek’s life has been a window for me is to learn that Minnesota is very different from Kek, like how cold and snowy it is.For example an page 4 Kek says “this cold is like claws on my skin!”The cold is painful.He also says “It burns my eyes!” about the cold.

Another way Kek’s life has been a window for me is Refugees escape dangerous places or situations, like war or violence. For example, his father and brother died in the war and his mother is still alive but is missing. He has seen a lot of violence in his home country.

One way Kek’s life is a Mirror for me is that he had to learn a new language and that’s hard.

I learned that Minnesota is hard for Kek because it is cold, he is alone and he has to make new friends. I realize that life is not easy in other countries.

If you meet someone who is different from you, like a different language,  or different clothes, we should be friendly, nice and try to help them.