Tag Archives: Capstone

Blog Post #3

Hello Everyone. Today I will be talking about my finished Capstone project. I really enjoyed making a Video on Artificial Intelligence in the Medical Field. I prefer using a Video over Screencasts, TedTalks and Ignites.

I enjoyed just making the video during the process of it. I encountered some challenges such as; Noisy Background, Stumbling in my speech, and wrong timing for videos and the words.

I am looking forward to sharing my final project very much because I thought it was really good. I hope you like my presentation!

Capstone Blog Post #2 – Interviewee

In school, we interviewed people for our Capstone projects. I will be telling you all about it today.

My interviewee’s name was Gaurav Khanna. He works for Contessa Health as Senior Vice President, Technology. I interviewed him because I knew he works with AI in the medical field. We emailed and messaged each other. We finally came up with the time. I asked many questions related to my sub-questions. I learned that AI is used in so many ways in the medical field. My biggest challenges during the process were coming up with questions. 

I learned that AI in healthcare takes a lot of work. I also learned that AI is a very good tool in the medical field.

Capstone Blog Post #1 – AI In The Medical Field

In school, we are doing a capstone project. My project is about AI in the medical field, and what are the Pros and Cons of it. It is a very interesting fun topic. 

My main inquiry question is, “What are the top five disadvantages of artificial intelligence?”  My teacher was helpful while I was choosing my inquiry question. She helped me develop it from a 2-star question to a 4. The challenging part of choosing my inquiry question was, choosing the way I needed to say it.  My teacher helped me develop those words to fit more with the meaning. 

I have learned that I can be a quick learner. In some topics, I am really quick. Others, not so much. I thought to myself at the start, “Wow, I really hope I do well.” Now, “Yes! I have got this.” I am so excited about my Capstone project!

Come back on June 15th for my next Capstone blog post all about my final project.