Vote For Me

Have you ever thought “Oh man! I wish Heathcote would fix these problems!” If you did, then I know who you should vote for me to be class president. Hi, I’m Jacob and I am running for class president. I will be very determined and will listen to any of your ideas. If you want to learn more about what I’m going to do, get ready to read about it!

Do you want to know a very disappointing part of the day? To me it’s the end of quiet time going off while you’re in the middle of something. It’s very annoying. I want to change that and make quiet time fifteen minutes every time instead of five to ten minutes. For example, when you’re doing something and you thought it was over to do it, you’ll be happy to see that it’s not over yet! This will mean more progress in your time of peace and fun. If you agree with me, I’ll make it happen and rearrange the schedules. I will find a way to make it fifteen minutes. But that’s not the only change I will make.

The second thing I will change is outside seating. Have you ever been in a rush outside because of the reclining chairs? Well I have! When I don’t get the chairs it is very uncomfortable for me because it hurts my back when sitting on the cushion. I remember when I gave my seat up for another person and when I sat on the cushion they were sitting on, I wondered how uncomfortable they must’ve been. My plan for this is that any flexible seating that doesn’t get used can get used by other people outside (even when it’s not their day to use it.) This will change a lot of flaws, especially sore backs!

These things are just a little bit of what I’m going to do for 5CL. If you vote for me I will try to make these things happen. Quiet time and outside groups will be more pleasurable. If these are not the only things you want to be fixed I am happy to take suggestions. If I win, what would you request for me to do?