Launching and graphing our rocket was very exciting. It was our last time launching and graphing our rocket. We were pretty sad. The 3rd launch was the launch our parents were watching and we were very nervous and excited.
When we were launching our rocket we were sorta nervous because our parents were watching. Gavin placed our rocket on the pvc pipe. Jasleen pumped the bicycle pump. Eva started counting down. “10, 9, 8, 7,6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Release”
Us getting ready to launch.
We were very excited to see how high our rocket will go. Our rocket went very high. It went 9 feet higher than the 2and launch. We were very happy because we couldn’t have had a better result. We each had a certain job and we played it well. We also had to be clinometer readers and my clinometer did not work well. But I got an answer in the general vicinity. After the launch we had to take notes which was pretty fun. We joked about the launch and expressed our opinions about the overall launch. When we started graphing it was pretty easy since we had done it before. When we realized that we had 124 feet we were over joyed.It was our best launcher ever. We were not sad that the rocket designing, building, launching, and graphing was over because we were hated each other well not everyone hated everyone but we were definitely not the ideal group.