Capstone Blog Post #3 – The Final Project

For my Capstone project, I decided that I would do a screencast. I was already familiar with using screencast and Google slides, but I wasn’t familiar with the other ways you could do your Capstone project.

The most fun part about making my project would definitely have been everything. Finding the pictures, making the slides, practicing my script, and the rest was just so much fun for me. However, I did experience a few challenges. I kept on having blurry pictures and when I was recording the final project the images wouldn’t move properly, but in the end, I got everything sorted out.

I am looking forward to seeing the final product because I put a lot of hard work into this presentation and I want to see it be a success. This entire process has been very fun for me and a new experience. Thank you for reading my blog posts on Capstone and I hope you enjoyed it.


Capstone Blog Post #2- Interview

We were working on our research and it was time to do our interview. I knew I needed to find someone who knew a lot about red blood cells. At first, I thought I should find a hematologist and asked my mom if she knew any. She had a colleague at work, MD Richard Francis. He works for Columbia University, but he isn’t a hematologist. Richard is a Clinical Pathologist who works in blood donations and research. Richard gave me answers that might be useful for me and might help me find answers to some of the sub-questions. I started out with trying to find a person to interview and when my mom knew someone I could interview, the first step was over. I had to make my questions, which frankly didn’t take too long. These were my questions:

  1. Why did you want to become a clinical pathologist?
    1. Was drawn to it
  2. How long have you been a clinical pathologist?
    1. 10 years
  3. What are the requirements for becoming a clinical pathologist?
    1. Just having the right degrees
  4. What do you focus on in your department?
    1. Blood transplants
  5. How do you professionally develop in order to keep with all of the new information about red blood cells? 
    1. Every year there are conferences where people share new information with other doctors of their department
  6. What is the best thing about being a clinical pathologist?
    1. Doing research and learning new things, basically everything. 
  7. What do you enjoy the least about being a clinical pathologist?
    1. When people don’t understand when you can’t do a certain thing but they still ask for it.
  8. How has the technology for clinical pathology changed since you first became a clinical pathologist?
    1. The technology for genetics and DNA has become more advanced.
  9. How do you find out that a person has a type of red blood cell disorder?
    1. A person finds out that they have a symptom and then
  10. Do all red blood cell disorders have the same symptoms?
  1.  Some are similar and some are not.
  1. How many red blood cell disorders don’t have treatment?
    1. Only when the amount of red blood cells is little or too much in the blood. You then would have a blood transfusion.
  2. Are the red blood cells treatments similar to one another?
    1. Depends on the disorder
  3. What future technology inventions could be a breakthrough for clinical pathology?
    1. More difficult and advanced technology for genetics and DNA.

My mom and I reached out to Richard and we asked him if we could interview him (which he was more than happy to). I then came up with a list of questions and was ready for the interview. I put on the audio recorder and I began the interview. I finished the interview and went over everything. I realized that I didn’t even know that clinical pathology used devices related to DNA and genetics. The hardest part of the interview was coming up with the questions.

Capstone Blog Post #1- Main Inquiry Question

We have started our last major project of the year. Capstone. This is a project where you have one main inquiry question, which results in a lot of research, time, and is very interesting. Almost from the beginning, I knew that I wanted cells to be my topic. Towards the middle of figuring out my main inquiry, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to do red blood cell disorders. With the help of my teacher, Mrs. Ewards, I decided that my main inquiry question is “What role do red blood cells play in our health, and what happens when they do not function properly?”.

I started out with lots of questions in my curriculum wheel. When I thought that I had a good main inquiry question, I found out that the question was too narrow. I decided that my question had to be related to red blood cell disorders. I came to the conclusion with the help of my teacher, Mrs. Edwards, my main inquiry question. When I decided that red blood cells were going to be my topic, I had millions of questions that I could use. Finding out what was going to be the topic of my main inquiry question was definitely the hardest part. The minute I decided on my topic for my main inquiry question (rbc disorders) it made everything easier. I had my main inquiry question quickly after that.

After I found out my main question I had to do research. We had to start a note-taking slide show. I started my note-taking slideshow. I filled in the main inquiry question and sub questions. I started to fill in the research part.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “I Have A Dream

One of the most things Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was known for was his I Have a Dream speech. He had made a lot of speeches over the time, but the ̈ I Have a Dream ̈ speech was his most important one. One reason the  ̈ I Have a Dream ̈ speech was so popular was because it pushed Congress to make the Civil Right Act sooner. The Civil Right Act is a law which outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religon, gender, or national origin.The speech took place at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C. The reason he made his speech at the Lincoln Memorial was because Mr. Abraham Lincoln was a big opposer of slavery. The main idea of the speech and Dr. Martin Luther’s dream was that he did not want anyone to be judged by their skin color or race, but to be judged by their content or personality.  He gave the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation. Legally, Dr Martin Luther’s dream has come true. There are no segregation laws. But emotionally it has not. People still today discriminate people for their color and race, but the majority indiscriminate.



Date Event
January 15,1929 Martin Luther King was born 
1934 Martin Luther King Junior’s name was changed from Michael Jr. to Martin Luther King Jr, in honor of the religious leader Martin Luther
1944 MLK Attended college
1948 Began preaching at his father’s church
1951 Began studying at Boston University
1953 Married Correta Scott
1954 He and his wife moved to Montgomery, Alabama
1954 The U. S. supreme court declared segregation in public schools unconstitutional
1955 A woman named Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man and was arrested
1957 Formed the SCLC
1960 People started staging protests to spread King’s and SCLC’s message Ex: a group of black students sat at white only lunch counter and refused to leave until they received service
1960 MLK was Briefly jailed for joining a group of students at an Atlanta sit-in
1963 An organized nationwide civil movement was in full swing and he was released from jail
1963 He gave his I have a dream speech
July 2, 1964 The civil rights act became law


1964 Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
1965 King traveled to Selema, ALabama to begin a protest of stronger voting rights law and he was arrested
March 7,1965 Hundreds of protestors gathered in Selma to begin the march, but the Alabama state police blocked their path and beat them with club


March 21 1965 King led thousands to Montgomery without police interference
August 1965 The protest raised awareness of voting rights violations and led to the Voting Rights Act
1966 King and his Family moved to poor black neighborhood  in Chicago
1968 King’s work brought him to Memphis, Tennessee. He planned to support a group of workers on strike
April 4, 1968 A man named James Earl Ray was hit by a bullet
April 9, 1968 His funeral was held


My Identity

Sharing the identity bag really helped me see what I love and what other people love too. I didn’t know what my classmates liked and dislike. I barely even knew anyone outside of table five. When the first person shared, (it was Gabe,a boy) I found out that he liked to travel. And as more people shared I found out more about every person.  When I went hunting for the items for my identity bag I found out that I liked a lot of things that I had not done in a while since I moved. Making the identity map wasn’t so hard since I had made my identity bag so the writing part was not hard but when I made it, it was hard. But at the end I had found out the things that I loved which I didn’t know that I loved.