Persuasive Writing


Have you ever wondered why kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade have really big lockers and 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade have really small lockers? You might be wondering, “Why does the size of the locker matter so much?” Here are some reasons why I think the lockers in the 3-5 wings should be replaced with bigger lockers.


One reason that grades 3-5 should get bigger lockers is that K-2 have bigger lockers than grades 3-5. Grades 3-5 have more school work they need to fit inside their lockers so they should be the students that have bigger lockers. For example, kids in grades 3-5 have many after school activities and sports. They might need to bring things for practice to school with them or maybe instruments for band and instrumental. K-2 do not have instruments to bring to school, so they don’t need super big lockers. 


Another reason that grades 3-5 should get bigger lockers is that

 most students have backpacks with wheels, which don’t fit inside of the small lockers. This means they have to leave them in the hallway, which is dangerous because people can trip over them and can get hurt. Also sometimes when students are getting those backpacks from the hallway they can trip other students by accident. For example, For example, when I am heading up the ramp to PE the backpacks with wheels are always out in the hallway. People hit them and trip over them. I did just last week! If they were in the lockers, they wouldn’t be in the way and no one would get hurt.


The last reason that grades 3-5 should get bigger lockers

 is that some people need room to put some of their other belongings such as a jacket, a sweatshirt, or a lunch box. People sometimes have to bring their belongings inside the classroom and it is annoying having other stuff on your desk when you don’t need it. For example, maybe you have extra erasers or pencils. Instead of keeping them all in your desk, if you had room, you could keep some in your locker and grab them when you need them. 

Grades 3-5 NEED bigger lockers now before someone gets hurt from all of the overflowing stuff!


I chose to write about getting bigger lockers in 3-5 grade wings in Heathcote because ever since the first day of 3rd grade I noticed that the lockers were too small for a lot of students. The steps of making a persuasive piece is first come up with some ideas. Next, choses an idea. Then write it on paper.Next in your drive you open a doc and type it in. Then open an Adobe video and add pictures. Lastly, record yourself reading the doc. The most difficult part of doing the writing is coming up with ideas.


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