April 2017 archive


Hi everyone, today I am going to talk about somewhere I love to go… CAMP! I love the summer because I get to go to Timber Tops. Timber Tops is an amazing sleep away camp. I love it because there is so much to do. I also get to get away from my family for 7 weeks, although at Timber Tops you get the option to stay 3 weeks or 7 weeks. I loved it so much so I signed up for 7 weeks. It is an amazing way to  take a brake from school and get rid of any stress you have . Check out the video below:

My Dog – Barney

Hello everyone, today I am going to talk about someone I love… Barney! Barney is my dog. He is so cute and some of his antics are super funny. Barney is  one of a kind or unique yeah lets go with unique. Barney can get scared  at the littlest things for example an ant, but he won’t be scared of the mailmen. Barney loves to bark at dogs who are bigger than he is as if he wants to show the other dog whos boss. Barney can be extremely helpful, but at the same time extremely annoying. For example whenever someone knocks on the door he will bark, which can be very helpful…but it can also be annoying. Every morning I either wake up with Barney bolting into my room and clawing at my arms or I can wake up the annoying way you are probably thinking isn’t him scratching you the annoying way you wake up… well yes but Barney is also a fan of barking and umm thats sometimes how I wake up. Every once in a while Barney will be extremely funny, but at the end of the day thats what makes Barney, Barney.

A World Full Of Slime

Hi everyone, today I am going to be talking about something that I like to do when I have the time and that is to…make slime! Slime is great for kids and you can use household items to make the slime. There are many different ways to make slime and many different kinds of slime for example: Fluffy slime, butter slime and ice burg slime. Slime can be a fun craft you can do on a day where you have free time. Slime can also be used in stress balls and slime on its own is very stress relieving this is great for kids like me who get stressed easily. Slime can also be used to clean, while this may come as a shock to you it is true. It probably is a better idea to use a real cleaning product, but if you are desperate to get furniture dust free then slime will work. Do not put slime on a couch or a bed or really any thing that uses cloth and don’t put it on nice furniture either. Ask your parents before making slime. You might get your hands a little dirty, I also recommend that you change into clothes you don’t care that much about just incase it gets messy. Down below you will find a video on how to make slime follow these steps and you should get a perfect slime:

My last Swim Meet

Hi everyone, today I am going to be talking about something that is very important to me… swimming! I love to swim, it doesn’t matter if I am racing someone or just swimming for fun. I am on a swim team and at the end of the year we have one big swim meet, but before I tell you about my last swim meet I think it is important that you know a swim meet is when you go head to head with another swim team and you race a couple of people. Like I was saying my swim team has one big swim meet at the end of the year which means we race more than one team. This year I was in a relay race and I was swimming two laps Butterfly. A relay race is when there are four people and each person swims a different stroke and you work together to win your race. I was also swimming an individual event which is where you are swimming by yourself, while racing other people. In my individual event I was also swimming Butterfly. I got first in my heat. A heat is like a group and in swimming there are multiple heats, so in my heat or group I got first, but overall I got ninth out of sixteen.Make sure there is someone supervising you when swimming. Down below you will find a video on how to do the stroke Butterfly: