Overall Thoughts and Feelings – Rube Goldberg #7

Through out this project I have felt very different emotions. When we were designing I just wanted to start building and was very impatient. When it was time to build it was annoying because not everything that we wanted worked well with each other. When we were testing the Rube Goldberg I got frustrated because it didn’t work every time. The filming part wasn’t that hard although it was kind of hard t0 speak about the Rube Goldberg and how it works. Editing was super annoying because it took a long time to make everything look good and to make sure every thing was correct when it came to grammar.

In the end everything worked out and looked good. I was a little stressed during the time of the actual project but now that my work is completed I feel happy about what I have done and I know that now I can just enjoy watching the video. I personally thought that the project was kind of stressful, but it was also fun. During the project I was thinking when will we be done with this Rube Goldberg, but now I am happy to say that I really enjoyed this project and I would probably do something like this again. I am happy that I did it and I think that it was a great learning experienced for me! And here is our final iMovie video:






1 Comment on Overall Thoughts and Feelings – Rube Goldberg #7

  1. bkocsis25
    February 1, 2018 at 3:48 am (7 years ago)

    I also felt what you felt. I also liked how ours ended up. I really liked your Rube Goldberg project and I thought you did a splendid job on it!


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