March 2018 archive

Coding – #4

Hello everyone,

Today I will be talking about coding again. This was my last coding project. I used Scratch this time because I had to. I made my first game on scratch. I decided to do a classic game. Apples falls from the sky and you need to catch them in the bowl. The apples come from all different directions. The way to move the bowl from side to side is by using the arrow keys. To go right click the right arrow, to go left click the left arrow. I think it is fun and turned out well. This was an awesome experience because I felt like I could ad my own special touches to it. I loved this whole unit because it was fun and I learned a lot from it. Why don’t you try my game out for yourself:

“How to Make French Toast” – Ignite

Hello everyone,

Last week my classmates and I were assigned to do something called an Ignite. An Ignite is a series of slides that are each 15 seconds. In a traditional Ignite would be five minutes, but we decided to only make ours be one minute and forty five seconds because it was our first time. The goal of an Ignite is to tell a story. For this assignment we had to tell a story about us. We could also do it on a thing we like or things we don’t like. I decided to do mine on how to make french toast. There we seven slides. The fist and last one were already decided because they have to be the tittle slide and the closing slide that left me with five slides to work with. I broke down making french toast into five steps. I made it while taking pictures to put in the slide show. The next day I put the pictures on the slides and wrote something like a script. I was worried that if I wrote a script I would go over time so I wrote a short bit about each of the steps in the speaker notes and tweaked it until I found something that sounded good, was not to long or to short and something relativity easy to memorize since we were only given a week to do this project. Today I presented, I was very hesitant and first, but then I just went for it. During the beggining of the Ignite I was nervous, but as I went a long I think I got less nervous and it started to sound better. Here why don’t you check it out for yourself: