Interview – Capstone #3

Hello Everyone,

About two weeks ago I did my interview for Capstone. Just incase you forgot my topic is Snapchat. I interviewed Parker Collins, a digital community manger. She worked with social media as part as her work. We did the Interview over Facetime and I asked her ten questions, here they are:

  1. Which communication apps do you use the most? Why? 
  2. Which communication app do you use the most professionally? Why?
  3. How do you use Snapchat to help you with your job?
  4. What part of Snapchat helps you the most?
  5. Has the new update affected your work and if so, how?
  6. Why do you feel Snapchat is so popular?
  7. I looked up the demographics information for SnapChat and read that most users are between 18 and 34, but I know that most of my friends and my brothers’ friends use SnapChat. What accounts for that?
  8. What good things have come from using Snapchat?
  9. Has Snapchat ever crashed, the app on your device or the service itself, and if so what happened (restart work,didn’t upload a story, etc.)?
  10. What kind of attention does Snapchat draw to what you are advertising?

I think that this interview really benefit me because I learned a lot. I learned most about when she starting talking about how Snapchat and how it is an app that is in the moment. I really enjoyed hearing her answers because I had started to think about the questions and how I would answer the questions, then hearing her answers to the questions made me think about the question in deeper thought. Overall I think that I learned a lot from my interview and I think it went very well.



2 Comments on Interview – Capstone #3

  1. Dani
    May 31, 2018 at 1:13 pm (7 years ago)

    I like how you put all your questions. I also like how you said that it made you think deeper. Great Job!

  2. enicassio25
    June 21, 2018 at 1:32 pm (7 years ago)

    I like how you explained tour interview. Your interview questions were very unique.


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