Capstone Share – Capstone #7

Hi Everyone,

Today we had our Capstone share for our parents and yesterday we had Capstone share for other classes in our school. I thought that when we were presenting for other classes their was less pressure on me and I felt more comfortable. I think this is partly because when I was presenting to parents it was the final Capstone project.  When I first stood up to present my heart was beating at a rapid rate. I went up and used a clicker to advance the slide. When I first touched the clicker I touched the wrong arrow! I then learned the right arrow to click. I think that the first slides were good, but then at the middle I started to stumble and at the end it was ok. Since I had a video from my drive in the TED Talk it wouldn’t play because you need access to it. So I redid it in the classroom. Capstone was stressful, but it was worth it. I had a lot of fun doing my Capstone project on Snapchat and thought it was an awesome learning experience. Capstone has been an amazing journey. Here is the TED Talk I gave:

1 Comment on Capstone Share – Capstone #7

  1. enicassio25
    June 21, 2018 at 1:19 pm (7 years ago)

    I really liked your post and your presentation. Nice work Kate.


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