Archive of ‘Book Clubs’ category

Book Clubs: Donuthead – Jot 2

I think that Franklin is Jealous of the relationship Sarah has with Franklin’s mom. I think this because he is always seems to to be complaining that Sarah and his mom are leaving him out so I think he is Jealous of their relationship, but won’t admit it. I think that Franklin is feels like no one is really accepting him and that is why he is so Jealous of their relationship. I also think that Franklin wants a lot of attention and he is not getting attention from his mom or Sarah and he is getting jealous of their relationship.I think that Sarah and Franklin’s mom are just trying to ignore him. 

Book Clubs: Donuthead – Jot 1

I think that Franklin might want a father because he thinks that his father can solve his social issues. I think that in Franklin’s mind having a father can make everything better, but I think he will soon learn that he can’t run away from his problems and if Franklin gets a father I don’t think he will approve because he plays it safe. In Donuthead it seems so important that Franklin has a father and it seems that maybe just maybe Franklin want a father for social reasons. I think this because it seems like all he wants is someone to protect him and he thinks that if he had a father he could protect him from bullies.