Testing and Filming – Rube Goldberg #4
When Dani and I first started testing things they didn’t always work so we had to fix a few things before we video taped it . So we didn’t have to test the whole thing a bunch of times, we made sure each individual step or two was working well we had a few fails like:
Of course we tested everything at least 3 times before shooting the first video. Every time we had a new step that worked well we combined it with the previous step. This helped the testing process for our machine go faster or at least I think it did. The day we filmed (Which was yesterday January 22) we were excited, but nervous. I kept thinking about if it would fail so many times that it was just break. After three or four fails it finally worked. We had to review the footage we got of the machine working so we would know which part really needed work. I was overwhelmed with happiness when i saw that it worked I wanted to scream. You might be wondering, why were you so happy? Well it feels great when I get something done so when this was done (part of it) I was overjoyed.
I am happy that it all worked out in the end and now we can move forward it this project. It took a lot of effort,time,handwork and creativity to make the machine that we did. Personally I think it is all worth it because it is super cool to watch what you have created. I think that a worry I had for the filming part of this project is that it wouldn’t be clear enough to see. I am super excited to get to work and start editing even though I have already done a little.