the attic

It was a hot summer day, we just moved to Scarsdale and my brother who was 10 and my sister and I who are 8 year old twins were bored. Hmm I thought to myself, what is there to do? 

Then I got an idea! 

I whispered to my brother Shrey and sister Aisha, “Do you want to sneak into the attic?” I wondered, would they agree?

They both agreed and off we went. 

We went around the dining table and my brother knocked a piece of glass. “CRASHHHH!”

“What have you done?” I said.

“It’s not my fault,” he replied. “They won’t notice.”

We went slowly up the stairs in the hallway into my brother’s bedroom closet. We slowly opened the door and then we saw the attic!

There was no door, just a thin black tarp. “You go first,” my brother said.


 “No,” I replied. “How about we settle on a game of rock paper scissors?” I asked. 


“Ok,” they both said at the same time “You have to win 3/3,” they said.


My sister won, I was second and my brother was third. 

“You go first,” I said as my brother slowly creeped up the stairs. 

As we followed him up the stairs my sister said, “It sure does look scary!”

“No it does not! You’re just a scaredy cat,” my brother said. 

I wondered, what was up there?

My sister and I  followed him. As we walked up the attic stairs we entered the attic and it was pitch black. My brother ran downstairs and fetched the flashlight from the closet.

He turned the flashlight on. As we turned the corner we saw two very tiny brownish-gray mice! It looked like they were nibbling on something.They sounded like mmheha 

“AHHHHHH!” We all screamed in shock! 

I noticed how fast mice can run when they started chasing us out of the attic. We ran down the attic stairs, out of my brother’s bedroom and down the stairs out of the house.  We kept running around our street in circles. Back to our house, up the stairs and back to the attic. Then we heard a loud creak.. we broke one of the stairs!! 

“What have you done?” My brother asked. 

“It’s not my fault,”  my sister replied.

“AHH !” I said, “Stop arguing.”

 “Fine!” said my brother. “Where are the mice?”

 “There in that hatch,” I said.

“Over there,” my sister pointed.  The mice  scrambled in circles. They were moving so fast that  they slapped my brother in the face and then jumped  back into the attic.

 “Well now that’s all over. What do we do now?” I replied to my sister huffing and puffing.

“I have no idea,” said my sister. 

 My mom questioned, “What’s all that noise?”

We all looked at each other and said nothing.