Field trip to the County Board of Legislators

Imagine this “ Your sitting in a courtroom as a legislator and suddenly the clerk says Legislator y/n, yay or nay? You say Yay… The bill passes on to the next step on becoming a bill!” Well this is exactly what happened to me. But I was the clerk! In this blog post you’re going to hear about two things I learned on my field trip to the Westchester County Board of Legislators and two things I enjoyed the most!

Two things I learned about the legislative branch of county government is that there are hundreds, even thousands of bills coming but about only five or something actually get approved. The reason is because the bills need the majority of the legislatures to say yay but usually that doesn’t happen. Another thing I learned is that there have been 8 chairs that have been female! I personally thought that there were going to be fewer! How many did you think there were? The names of the chairwoman were Erika L. Pierce, Margaret A. Cunzio, Nancy E. Barr, Catherine F. Parker, Jewel Williams. Johnson, Emiljana Ulaj, Terry Clements, and Shanae Williams.

I wasn’t a legislator, I was a clerk but, two things I enjoyed about being a clerk was taking attendance and sitting in the front of the room. I enjoyed taking attendance because it was fun going down the list of names saying “Legislator____ “and they’ll say “present!” or something like that. The reason I enjoyed just sitting there is because my desk was at the front of the room and it felt like I was really important when sitting there. I never get picked for this stuff so I was REALLY excited. I also saw the WHOLE courtroom and I could see all the legislators ( my classmates ) really clearly so taking attendance was a bit easier. 

Overall I loved writing this blog post! I hope you enjoyed this blog post just as much as I liked writing this post! I also hope you enjoyed learning two things I learned on my field trip to the Westchester County Board of Legislators and two things I enjoyed the most! If you went on this field trip would you like it? Would you want to be a clerk or a legislator? What would you enjoy the most? And would you want to go on this field trip?

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