First Week of School

 It’s the end of the first week of school. You have done so many fun activities! When you get home your mom asks you “What did you do at school this week?” You tell her all the fun things you’ve done. In this blog post I’m going to tell you two fun activities I’ve done in the first week of school. I’m also going to tell you two things I’ve been looking forward to.

Two things that I enjoyed doing the first week of school are the Index Card Challenge and Identity Maps. For the Index Card Challenge we had to use 100 hundred index cards to build the tallest self standing tower or structure in 15 minutes. We also had to keep rebuilding it if it fell down. I really enjoyed this challenge because I think that it was really fun but frustrating when our tower fell and then we found out better ways to build the tower. Identity Maps is when you make sections on a piece of paper and then inside those sections you write something about you. For example what your favorite food is, or what your favorite sports team is, etc… I liked Identity Maps because I think it was a really good and fun way to show people who you are and what you like. I also liked Identity Maps because drawing and coloring in the spaces were really fun but tiring.  

Two things I am looking forward to the volleyball game and capstone this year. The volleyball game is when 5th graders go up against teachers in a match. I’m excited because I love volleyball and if I ever do it professionally I would want to be a libero. A libero is usually a shorter player but taller players can also play this position. They also usually switch on and off the court and they wear a different color jersey then the other players. They mostly receive but sometimes can do other stuff like setting. But most times they don’t because most liberos don’t practice these types of stuff. Capstone is basically a big presentation and you get to pick the topic you want to do. I’m excited for this because I have always wanted to do a presentation about some type of disease but never got the chance because my teacher always picked my topic but now I can since I can pick my own topic.

Overall I loved writing this blog post and I wish I could’ve written more! I hope you have enjoyed reading all about what two fun activities I’ve done in the first week of school and two things I’ve been looking forward to in my blog post. If you ever had the chance to do this, what would you write? What did you do or what are you looking forward to this school year? If you already finished school what did you look forward to?