Imagine you had to do an inquiry project on space or the government. You pick space. Well that’s exactly what happened to me. In the blog you’re going to read two things I learned about my topic, and two things I learned about the research/presentation process.
Two things I learned was that Mars has a very thin layer of carbon dioxide and another thing is that Mars also has four seasons. For my inquiry project I learned that in order for a planet to have life it needs Carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a gas that is made of one atom of Carbon (C) and two atoms of oxygen(O). A shorter name is CO2. When I found out that mars also has 4 seasons i was really surprised because that just makes it one thing more like earth.
Two things I learned were cutting down my information and picking out the most important stuff. Cutting my information was necessary because I had a lot of information and it wouldn’t fit on a tiny piece of paper because I was doing a Zine. Picking out the most important stuff was also hard because I didn’t know what was good and what I didn’t need! But after I picked out what I thought were the most interesting and important pieces of information I had.
I hope you enjoyed learning about two things I learned about my topic, and two things I learned about the research/presentation process. Would you ever do this project if you had the chance? If you could, would you pick space or the government?