Board of Legislators

We squeezed into the elevator, excited to go up to the 8th floor. There a lady greeted us and brought us into the conference room of the Westchester County Board of Legislators. We talked about the population of Westchester and why there are 17 legislators. Get ready to read about my favorite things about the trip and all the things I learned.

My three favorite things about the trip were going to the conference room, being in the actual chamber and speaking into the microphone.  It was fun to be in the conference room because we got to discuss laws and it was realistic and interesting.. Another thing I really enjoyed was being in the Legislative chamber. We got to see pictures of all 17 Legislators. I found out that my representative is  Benjamin Boynkin. Guess what! We saw him in the chamber room! He surprised us by seeing us in person. At that moment, I was thinking I wonder how a person becomes a legislator. Another fun activity was speaking into the microphone when we discussed an issue. The issue was whether schools should serve unhealthy food from vending machines.  I thought to myself yeah it would be cool to add a vending machine. We took a vote and I voted that junk food should be in  vending machines. It ended in favor 22-1. We got to say our names into the microphone and hit the gavel, which was really fun. We got certificates signed by Benjamin Boykin and I am thinking about selling mine on ebay.      

One thing I learned on this trip was that there are 1.03 million people living in Westchester County. I was surprised that there were so many people living here. Something else I learned that was very interesting is how laws are passed. It starts with an idea then it needs sponsors then the representatives vote on the bill if it passes it is called a law. Therefore, even I can suggest an idea to the representative of Westchester County. If I could make a law I would propose that restaurants offer better pay to their employees.  Therefore, their employees would feel better about going to work and offer better customer service.


First Week of School

Did you love fifth grade? Well, I’m really enjoying it so far. Our first week was a blast. We had loads of activities. I’m looking forward to the rest of the year because we have many fun events planned.

One reason I had a blast this past week was that I made a lot of new friends, like Daniel and I got to see people I haven’t seen in a while. For instance, I got to talk to Jacob who I haven’t seen all summer. We talked about our summer vacations. He went on a trip to Florida. I was wondering if he got to go to Disneyworld and ride roller coasters? I told him that I was lucky and got to go to Aruba, where I went swimming and watched a lot of soccer games in the Euros. In one soccer game a player slipped on a ball and went flying in the air and landed on a boat. It was so crazy that it was funny. I was thinking this is one crazy match.Speaking of soccer, another fun thing I did the first week of school was play soccer at recess. I even scored a goal by hitting the ball against a tree and then it bounced in! Another activity I really enjoyed was making a self portrait.  After drawing my face, I picked out a quote to represent me. I picked the word Kindness and found a quote about being kind. “In a world when you can be anything, be kind.’’

One thing I’m really looking forward to is the hot dog field day. I love hot dogs especially when they’re juicy and meaty. Once I was eating a hot dog and the meat slipped out of the bun onto the floor and then my cousin started juggling it. That was fun until he dropped it and I slipped on it and landed on my bottom. I’m also excited about the staff vs. kids volleyball game. I hope we beat them by a lot of points, but since I’ve never played before this might be tricky. Lastly, I can’t wait for the Moving Up day because I want to be in Middle School. I’m going to stop trying to make people laugh  because I have my own problems to worry about. Like getting my work done and paying attention because Middle School is pretty difficult.

In summary, fifth grade has been pretty good so far and the rest of the year should be interesting too.  Now that we are the oldest kids in the school we get to do some unique things. They are rewarding us with more things that increase our school 

Spirit. We will have a field day where we will be able to play a bunch of fun games, one of them is kickball.