Extreme Weather Ignite Reflection

First I did my research. It was difficult to find the right information and when I got different books they said the same thing.

Then I started writing my narrative. It wasn’t that hard and I didn’t have to type much. It took only a few minutes to write it down.

When I started my script I had a lot of words. It was hard to limit the information to 30 seconds but then I deleted all the useless words and it was much easier.

Before my presentation I had to memorize my script. I practiced in front of my family and I worked really hard but it was challenging. Finally I got it down.

Adding the pictures to the slides was very easy and it took only 10 minutes.

Working as a group was challenging because everyone was laughing and people were trying to make other people laugh.

I liked memorizing because I had a lot of time at home and school.

I was nervous but I knew I could do it. I was happy because I didn’t have to worry about doing it. I would not want to do it again because I do not want to worry about doing it again.

If I had to do it again I would just change my pacing.