Board of Legislators

We squeezed into the elevator, excited to go up to the 8th floor. There a lady greeted us and brought us into the conference room of the Westchester County Board of Legislators. We talked about the population of Westchester and why there are 17 legislators. Get ready to read about my favorite things about the trip and all the things I learned.

My three favorite things about the trip were going to the conference room, being in the actual chamber and speaking into the microphone.  It was fun to be in the conference room because we got to discuss laws and it was realistic and interesting.. Another thing I really enjoyed was being in the Legislative chamber. We got to see pictures of all 17 Legislators. I found out that my representative is  Benjamin Boynkin. Guess what! We saw him in the chamber room! He surprised us by seeing us in person. At that moment, I was thinking I wonder how a person becomes a legislator. Another fun activity was speaking into the microphone when we discussed an issue. The issue was whether schools should serve unhealthy food from vending machines.  I thought to myself yeah it would be cool to add a vending machine. We took a vote and I voted that junk food should be in  vending machines. It ended in favor 22-1. We got to say our names into the microphone and hit the gavel, which was really fun. We got certificates signed by Benjamin Boykin and I am thinking about selling mine on ebay.      

One thing I learned on this trip was that there are 1.03 million people living in Westchester County. I was surprised that there were so many people living here. Something else I learned that was very interesting is how laws are passed. It starts with an idea then it needs sponsors then the representatives vote on the bill if it passes it is called a law. Therefore, even I can suggest an idea to the representative of Westchester County. If I could make a law I would propose that restaurants offer better pay to their employees.  Therefore, their employees would feel better about going to work and offer better customer service.


Blog Post #1-AmRev

My topic is the stamp act. For research I used Fact site,Ducksters and books. it wasn’t really challenging but finding some research was easy but some research was difficult to find. If I could go back I wouldn’t I think I did pretty good maybe trying to find more on the back round of the stamp act like more of how the French and Ind1an war caused the stamp act. i fell excited about the next phase of the project.

Colonial America Project Reflection

With this project I choose to do the Northern Colonies because it would be the easiest one. I used my notebook to take notes then I decided to make a poster because I didn’t want to use other things like Canva or do it on Google Slides.Then it was time to do research. It was hard to find information at first, but then I used Ducksters and books from the classroom. 

The challenge I faced was that it was difficult to find the right information for the Northern Colonies. For my final project I made a big poster.The only things I used were a poster, a sharpie and pencil. It didn’t take that long, it only took like a week. The part of the project I liked the most was making the poster because it was the quickest and it was easier than finding information. I think I did a good job but on my next project on the Boston Massacre I will try to write a little neater but I think I did good.