As you might’ve known from my last blog post, I’m doing a project called, Capstone. In case you don’t know what Capstone is then let me explain. Capstone is this huge project, and you can choose any topic you want to research on. Now that you have had that small recap, I’m going to update you on what I have been doing.
My original topic was, how fashion has changed throughout the century. But then I thought to myself, it needs to sound fancier, because then more people will be interested in it… And then it hit me! The evolution of fashion! It is technically the same thing, but it just sounds fancier, and cooler.
After I did that I had to make a graphic organizer with my main inquiry question, and sub questions. This was pretty hard. I found this hard because I was having trouble with making them related to my main inquiry questions.
Capstone will definitely be a complicated project, but in the end it will be 100% worth it! Hope you tune in on my capstone #3!