Journal #8 CapCon 2021! (Post #2)

Hello Readers~

I have dug a little deeper into my Capstone.  My topic is finalized as What Happens When You Sleep?  It is mostly about dreaming and lucid dreaming.  I will just be writing here of what I wanted to include in my script but couldn’t since it is too long 🙁

Here it is!

Dream Interpretations 

Although there is no solid proof, dreams can be allegories of what is really happening in your life.  

Getting Lost: This dream usually means you are unsure of what the next step is in a certain situation in real life.  

Being late, or missing an Opportunity: Have you ever dreamed of being late for a bus or an important meeting?  This usually reflects on regrets you have for not pursuing your goal.  

Car Scenarios:  When you find yourself dreaming about cars, it usually means that you feel you don’t have control over a circumstance in your life, or you may be facing trouble in the future.  

Failing Tests:  This occasionally means that you feel that you’re being tested, making you apprehensive of what comes next.

Being Chased:  This is a dream people usually with anxiety have.  It means that you are trying to run away from something in life.

Falling/Sinking: People who have this dream generally feel helpless or overwhelmed.  This type of dream means you are not content with what you have/are in life.  

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