Immigrant Interview Reflection


Imagine sitting in class and then your teacher announces that you’re gonna interview an immigrant! You’re sitting there wondering who you can interview… And then it popped into my mind. My Mother! I could interview My Mother, I thought to myself. Woah Woah Woah! Okay back to reality now. We had to prepare questions and photos for the video! It was pretty interesting to find out more things about my mom that I didn’t know.

So I was wondering what kind of question I could ask my mom. Since I already know so much about my mom there weren’t that many questions I could ask but I did need  10-15 questions! So I sorta thought about what I did not know about and how it would make the interview interesting. Ms. Cooper gave us a link to a website with over 20 questions to get an idea! I found a lot of questions that I didn’t think of and they were actually pretty good. I also asked some of my friends and table mates what kind of questions they had to get some more ideas. There were a ton of different ones. It was actually pretty exciting because I couldn’t wait to make the video and add all the fun pictures and voice overs. I asked my mom what kind of pictures she had and we both found such a big variety of pictures that i could add!

The part where I actually interviewed my mom… So I sat down and called my mom and said “Mom, I need to interview you!” My mom came and I started asking her all the questions I prepared. I didn’t expect the interview to go the way it did because I thought that it would be sorta boring and just be fast but it wasn’t like that. I got to know even more stuff about my mom that I did not know. That led me to asking even more questions which made it so interesting and fun. There were so many things that I heard for the first time. For example, I learned that my mom would want to be a traveler in the future so she could visit all of her family members around the world. It was really fun.

Overall, this experience of having to interview an immigrant was really fun, interesting, and educational! Would you want to interview an immigrant for a project?

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