Floating Trash
Every year humans discard their trash which winds up in waterways around the world. Here is a video on one such “floating trash island” in the Caribbean Sea. What else can we learn about floating trash islands? Take a few moments to help the class crowdsource Internet resources to understand this “water catastrophe” (according to Evie).
This floating island of trash was thought to be "unspoiled by humans"
— Mashable (@mashable) November 28, 2017
This is about how the waste got there and how far all the waste has gone.People have tried to get a lot of the waste but it did not work out
This video will help to explain why trash in the ocean is bad and harmful. It will explain what it is.
This video is about all the trash in the world. It all goes in the ocean. Starting with just one piece of trash.
The trash may be bigger than a state. A lot of sea animals and die,or get inured because of the trash. Some facts are in this link. . There are a lot of pieces of trash in the ocean. We need to have no trash in the ocean so no sea animals can get hurt :D.
this video talks about the pacific trash island and what happens to your trash.
This tells you about the trash at the Pacific Ocean. They launch a satiellight to see the trash
There are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic debris in the ocean.
This is a site that talks about Marine Debris=Ocean Pollution and it talks about how many plastic and other stuff are in the ocean.
This is a video about trash in the ocean.
The entire ocean for miles is made out of trash.
This is more floating trash information. It is about how people are trying to help the floating trash.
This video will explain where marine debris comes from.
I learned that sometimes in storms cargo’s lose their trash to the ocean. Like Nike shoes,Rubber ducks, and hockey gear.Lots of oceans have trash in them.
A place in the South pacific ocean is filled with trash. Scientist think that it is the most covered place with plastic in the world. The island has 271 pieces of plastic every meter. It gets their from the surrounding water of the people throw trash from the other side of the world. Some animals do not live from it.
This place has great info and tells facts about the floating trash!(In the picture the tings around the trash are currents that push the trash into the spot it’s in now.)
This link tells us how many trash enters the ocean. It also tells us the top things that goes in the ocean.
This video will explain how much people litter and how bad it is. And how careless some people can sometimes be. I learned that some people have never thought of were the garbage that hey threw out went. I also learned that the Great Garbage Patch is about two times as big as Texas.
This is a video about how it got there and that it is affecting our world and animals.
From the age of 16, Boyan Slat, a Dutch boy, began to invent a way to clean up the plastic from the ocean. His project is called Ocean Cleanup. His plan is working but it doesn’t fix the problem of people actually creating the plastic mess in the first place.
The trash is 20,000 feet long
One plastic bag can travel over all of the oceans and one bird can eat 273 and that is the record. People are doing this those birds who ate that died.