Posted December 16, 2019 by mblackley in category Uncategorized
About the Author
I was born in England but, because of my father's work, lived in many different countries as I grew up (India, Scotland, Romania, former Yugoslavia, and Portugal). I married a sailor and kept on traveling! I worked as a Personnel Manager for a few years, then, after having children, I trained as a teacher. I have taught at Edgewood since 1998 - 3rd grade, 4th grade and 5th grade.
12 thoughts on “Who is Samuel de Champlain?”
I like how you used storytelling voices! Great Job!!!
I like how you used storytelling voices! Great Job!!!
I really liked how you guys spoke with expression and how you organized your pictures I liked reading about Samuel de Champlain that was very good
The recordings are very clear and the story is easy to understand.
This is great!!!
Some people can be a bit louder though!!!
I like how you moved your pitch, that must have taken forever!!!!!
I like how you guys told it like a story instead of just stating facts.
I love how you really used the details and it has a great voice tone!
Good Job!!!!!
I like this video and I like the way you added what he thought
about when he was young and how he died. I also like the music.
I like your drawings!
I like the music and the drawings and you did a good job, I like how you guys used a story telling voices
WOW!!! This is amazing!
Very good drawings!!!
good drawings!!!