Make Me Laugh
Please tell a joke or a story that will make Mrs. Blackley laugh. Type it into the Comment space below.
Please tell a joke or a story that will make Mrs. Blackley laugh. Type it into the Comment space below.
I asked a french boy if he plays video games. He said oui
That’s pretty funny!
should I tell the pop corn joke it’s a little corny
That’s is very funny
why did Apple skip the I phone 9? because 7 8 9!
That’s funny.
there wear 30 cows and 28 chikins how manny diddent
Why did the golfer were to pairs of pants?
In case he made a hole in one!
That’s funny, Sebastian. I’m going to use that one!
Why did the teacher wear sunglasses to school?
Cause her kids were so bright
That sure made me laugh!
A book never written. What I draw with by Mike Rayons
I have six eyes, three noses, and two mouths. What am I.
They say “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!” Somewhere out there is a six eyed, three nosed, two mouthed soulmate!
I heard a joke about butter but I shouldn’t spread it
What’s with the corny jokes?
what do you call a cow with no legs
ground beef
that’s funny
which bank did the fish go to…….
the river bank kirra
Have you heard about the butter?
Oh wait, I don’t want to spread it!
good job I did one like that two
why did the duck cross the road
because its the chikens day off
Why was 6 afraid of 7? because 7,8,9
What’s brown and sticky.
A stick
A man walked in to a pole. He said ow.
What is a teachers favorite tree. Geometry!
I don’t know
that’s very funny
why did the banana do the splits……..
to get a banana split
I was walking down a quarry with a other man. I saw a big rock. ” Hey that’s a big rock over there!” I said, “boulder” He said. So I puffed out my chest and yelled. “Hey that’s a big rock over there!!!!!!”
How does the ocean say hi to each other?
They wave!
I couldn’t eat all 8 slices of the pizza so I started cutting my pizza into six
Why does Santa have three gardens?
So he could ho ho ho!
Q: Why did the chewing gum cross the road?
A: He was stuck to the chicken’s foot.
I finally got a scoop for the class newspaper. My brother asked if he could use it to scoop the ice cream.
where did light go?…………………………………………………..
its so funny.
knock knock
who’s there
orange you glad I ‘m here
You come in the bathroom you are american. You come out the bathroom and you are american. what are you in the bathroom?
EUROPEAN!: You are peen! 😀
Nice joke!
Nice Joke!
“knock knock”
“Who’s there?”
“Apple who?”
“knock knock!”
“who’s there?”
“Apple who?”
“knock knock!”
“who’s there!”
“apple who?”
“knock knock!”
“who’s there?”
“Orange you glad I did not say apple!”
Haha that was funny mdulgnan
What did the walls say to each other. Meet you at the coner!
What did the walls say to each other?
Meat you at the corner!
Whats a jacket that go’s up in flames
Why did the rooster cross the road?
Because it was the chickens day off!
a guy walk into a bar and there was a genie and he was very literal and he said “you get one wish”
the dude said “i want a millon bucks” so a millon buck came running in the room
good one!
Q: Why is it dangerous to go in the jungle after 5 p.m?
A: Because elephants jump out of trees after 5 p.m.
Q: Why do beavers have flat tails?
A: Because they go in the jungle after 5 p.m
Police:Where do you live
Me: With my parents
Police:Where do your parents live
Me:With me
Police:Where do all live
Police: Where is your house
Me: Next to my neighbors house
Police: Where is your neighbors house
Me: You wouldn’t believe me if I told you
Police:TELL ME
Me: Next to my house
Person 1: Knock-knock.
Person 2: Who’s there?
Person 1: Luke.
Person 2: Luke who?
Person 1: Luke through the peep hole and you’ll see.
Person 1: Knock-knock.
Person 2: Who’s there?
Person 1: Justin.
Person 2: Justin who?
Person 1: Justin time for dinner!
Person 1: Knock-knock.
Person 2: Who’s there?
Person 1: Alpaca.
Person 2: Alpaca who?
Person 1: Alpaca the suitcase; you pack the trunk!
why didnt the krill share because he was shellfish
Person 1: Knock-knock.
Person 2: Who’s there?
Person 1: Imma.
Person 2: Imma who?
Person 1: Imma gettin’ tired of waiting — let me in!
Person 1: Knock-knock.
Person 2: Who’s there?
Person 1: Leaf.
Person 2: Leaf who?
Person 1: Leaf me alone!
Person 1: Knock-knock.
Person 2: Who’s there?
Person 1: Dishes.
Person 2: Dishes who?
Person 1: Dishes a nice place you’ve got here!
Hi police there is a problem there crazy ugly person in my room who is very scary
Police: do you know who it is.
No I don’t he or she has a mask oh wait it is my sister never mind
Police nice joke kid
it was not a joke
Person 1: Knock-knock.
Person 2: Who’s there?
Person 1: Cow says.
Person 2: Cow says who?
Person 1: No, silly! A cow says “Mooooo!
In 2000, their were three men that are friend.
One they, they wants to walk together, they all think afternoon is perfect.
the first man was goes to a restrant to eat lunch, there are some people acting,”oh, it’s me.”
the secend man goes to a other restrant some one said,”bread, of corse.”
the third man ate the lunch at home, when he goes to the road, he sea a little girl say,”he still my lollipop!”
when they walk together, they seas a dead person, a pleace officer com. he ask,”who killed him?”the first person said,”oh, its me.” “By what?” the secend said,”bread.” “why do you killed him?” “He still my lollipop!” the third one said.