What is Cyberbullying?
Let’s take a few moments to discuss cyberbullying. Please use the comment space below to share what you know about it, whether it relates to the cause or prevention.
Let’s take a few moments to discuss cyberbullying. Please use the comment space below to share what you know about it, whether it relates to the cause or prevention.
Cyberbullying is when you bully someone online using an electronic device. Cyberbullying can happen through texts, social media networks, and more.
I have no idea what it is.
Cyberbullying is when people bully each other online. I think that the cause of cyberbulling is when people are mad about something and they take it out of someone else.
“…… they take it out ON someone, not of someone. 😉
Cyber bullying is when someone bullies another person online. For example, when a person sees a picture of someone and posts a comment that they are ugly.
Something that causes cyberbullying is kinda like bullying except online something that causes it is feel bad for themselves and they want other people to feel bad so they are not by them selves
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Cyber bullying is not a good thing. Its when bullies bully people on the internet.This is not a good thing to do and I hope in the future someone puts an end to this.
It is where people online type mean thing to other people offending them. I think that is the cause of cyberbullying. For example any social media , facebook, instagram, that anyone can access and type mean thing to the person.
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Cyberbullying usually occurs when someone is jealous or wants to put someone down to bring themselves up. People that are Cyberbullies sometimes see someone on the web and their worries or the fact that their jealous brings them to try to make the person sad or put them down.
What I know about cyber bullying is, it is when you bully someone except it is on a electronic. It could be on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, or over text. For example they could say their stupid over text or something like that.
I think cyber bulling is when you are on a digital space and people say hurtful things about you in the comment section. An example of this is if I posted something like getting a puppy, they could call you spoiled because the might not have one.
Cyberbullying is when someone bullies you over the internet. It is different from normal bullying becaue when someone is being bullied, the bully is saying things to you or bullying you physically. On the other hand, if you are being cyberbullied, it is usually with words, because people cannot touch each other through a computer
I think that cyberbullying is when people online are intentionally rude to others because they think that they do not know this person, and they will not track them down. They will say stuff to another person, and the other person might actually listen to them and get really hurt. I have heard that people have actually committed suicide because of what they heard someone online say to them that was not even true.
A cause of cyberbullying(bullying on the internet) could be the person behind the post. That person may have just wanted to goof off or is insecure and feels they need to do this.
I think cyberbullying is when you say mean things to someone online or do things to make them unhappy sad or feeling bad.
Cyber bullying is similar to bullying but instead on an electric device. It can be with blogs, texts, social media networks, and even more.