Who is Giovanni da Verrazzano?
Who is Jacques Cartier?
Who is Samuel de Champlain?
Professional Room
As a group after our trip to Edgewood, we created a problem statement for the Professional Room: How might we utilize an empty room so that faculty and students can have a space that will facilitate concentration, group work, taking test and social learning? Andrew created a prototype that displayed the overall expected layout of the room. In the front of the room, we will design test-taking cubicles to line the walls. This will allow students with extra time and students who have missed days to make up tests in this room. There will also be a printer and a garbage can as you enter the room, allowing students to make progress and snack without having to go too far! To the left, there will be a room wizard where teachers/teacher aids can log the activities that they do in the room. In the long run, this can help us find out what the room is truly being utilized for and then edits can be made accordingly. The larger portion of the room is broken up into two areas: a more comfortable group work area and a more traditional learning/group work area. The comfortable side will have beanbags and a carpet. Students can be creative, ideate, and relax while working here. The more traditional side will have a few tables on top of a carpet. These tables will have whiteboard table tops so students can do their learning right there! There will also be a smart board (already in there) and a whiteboard on the far wall. These tables can fold up and be put on the wall so that the students can work/learn on the carpet as well. Ty’s prototype included a plan of the entire room. In the entrance of the room, we will place divides against the wall so students who need extra time for test, quizzes, or standard and tests will have a place to take the test without the distraction of taking test in the hall. The next aspect of the room is the group work section which will include a rug and five round foldable tables. There will be a place in the corner that is designed to place the tables and chairs once they are folded up in order to open up space in the room to allow the teachers to use the room for other purposes. We will keep the smartboard already in place in the room and place two whiteboards against the wall. Ashley created a prototype that is split into three main sections. The entrance near the door has the room wizard and supplies. The room wizard is an electronic system which tracks when the room is used and what it is used for. This ensures that two classes do not attempt to use the room at once and provides clarity in the future to what aspect of the room has been most helpful and used. Then there is a supply cart with pencils, colored markers, laptops, paper, scissors, and other materials the kids might want within the room. The next section is for test taking in the top right corner there are divided desks along the walls where teachers can administer tests. In the corner, there is a printer. The last section is for teachers or aids to help people or for group work. Round tables are perfect for group communication but teachers can also focus kids attention while they are teaching at the smartboard or whiteboard which are on the walls on the right side of the room.
Feedback for us:
- Which test taking setup do you prefer? Why? What are the benefits of each?
- Would you rather just tables or beanbags too? Do you think both could facilitate equally productive group work?
- Would you ever prefer to sit on the floor over tables or beanbags?
- Would you rather square tables?
Have you noticed how big the moon is right now?
I have noticed the moon for several nights; it is so big and so bright. When you lie in bed at night, it looks like someone has switched on a light outside. As I drove to work early this morning, I could still see the moon and it was huge and round. I can’t remember seeing it look so big. ‘“Supermoons” happen when a full Moon is closest to the Earth, appearing bigger and brighter than normal.’ – CBBC, January 3rd 2018.
Have you heard the saying, “Once in a blue moon”? I just found out what it means – it means you have a supermoon twice in one month. The second supermoon of the month is called the blue moon. It doesn’t happen often, which is what the saying means. This month however we’re going to have a Super Bluemoon which is a supermoon and a bluemoon. Wow!
Floating Trash
Every year humans discard their trash which winds up in waterways around the world. Here is a video on one such “floating trash island” in the Caribbean Sea. What else can we learn about floating trash islands? Take a few moments to help the class crowdsource Internet resources to understand this “water catastrophe” (according to Evie).
This floating island of trash was thought to be "unspoiled by humans" https://t.co/uL0XBQ4qhM
— Mashable (@mashable) November 28, 2017
Writing Poetry
Recently we have been writing poetry. We considered thoughtful descriptions, figurative language, line breaks and punctuation. It has been fun sharing our poems; listening to each others’ has inspired even more poems to be written.
Standing tall
dark green
with deep shadow.
Glimpses of sunlit boughs
as the wind
stirs your branches;
tickling your leaves
you tremble with great majesty.
Why We Give
Making Mochi
Mochi is a Japanese delicacy made with a special grain of rice. It takes a highly skilled person to make mochi. This video introduces the audience to the traditional art and craft of making mochi. Watch as the master explains his lightning quick techniques for turning rice into a classic Japanese treat. After watching, use the Reply space below to answer this: How do you think someone becomes a master or an expert at anything?