Problem statement: The students and Mr. Fitz need a way to transition and prepare for art class in a way that makes them feel organized and efficient.
Here are our different prototypes:
My Materials Tree is an easy, creative way to organize art materials so that Mr. Fitz’s class has places to store their tools. Also, the Materials Tree gives the class some flavor. Originally, we brainstormed many ideas that were all simple and didn’t add anything but storage space. The Materials Tree will make everyone’s lives way easier by supplying students with a center for storage, and also a piece of art that could decorate the class. With drawers coming out of the trunk and sectioned off areas on the top of the tree, the Materials Tree is the Art Room future.
Are there any additional components I can add to the trunk?
Would branches help with organization? What could they store?
How tall should the tree be so that you all can access it?
My prototype is of 5 flat ferris wheel’s attached to each other in a circular/pentagonal column shape. There are a bunch of little material carts that with the press of a button will go around and around until the material you want is at a height you can reach. Like a ferris wheel, the carts aren’t stuck in one position while rotating so when it goes inside it doesn’t flip over.
Is there anything you can think of that will make it not work?
Where should I put the button to make it work?
How fast should it go?
My column-style organizer separates different art materials onto three different levels. Each level has its own dividers so that we can fit many different types of supplies. When it comes to supplies like brushes, which are frequently bent out of shape, they can instead be placed inside the column in order to protect the pointed end. This column will be placed on either the floor or the tables and be about half the size of the average student so that all materials will be easy to access for everyone.
Should this be placed on the floor or on the tables?
Keeping the last answer in mind, how tall and how wide would you want this to be?
Right now, I have three different levels, but would it be better to have more, less, or the same amount?
General questions:
What parts of each prototype did you like best?
What parts would you change for each one? How would you change them?
Other questions:
What are the measurements for each of the tables?
What is the average height of the kindergarteners? What about the fifth graders?
Could you guys share all the videos with Mr. Fitz and ask him all of the same questions so that we can get his opinion too?