December 14

Library Robot Storage Update

Our High School buddies plan to make a more easier to use and neat robot organizer. We helped them by providing information and ideas about the robots, such as the size of the robots and space available between them when they are side by side. Some challenges we had during the google hangout were like sometimes we couldn’t hear them and we just kept on trying to make sure we heard them and after awhile we could hear them.  – Stacey, Victor, Chenyu

November 30



Students should have an organized storage space for their robots, making them visible, easily accessible, and able to be charged.


Erik’s Prototype:

This prototype is an improvement on the current cart system used to store the robots. Currently, the wires used to charge each robot come out through the front of the cart, although the charging outlets are at the back. This causes the wires to get tangled which makes the robots harder to remove as well as less visually appealing. This prototype displays a cart, but instead of having the wires come out the front, have holes in the back of the cart. This would allow the robots to retain the visibility and accessibility of the cart, while being visually appealing. The wires would also be more organized, making it easier to plug and unplug the robots as well as keeping the robots untangles


Lianne’s prototype

My prototype is a more organized way to store the robots. There would be one cart with the same amount of cubbies as robots. Depending on the size of each robot the cubbies will be created to fit each type of robot. The entire cart would be on wheels which isn’t in my prototype but would be incorporated into the final design. Each hole would have a corresponding wire for a corresponding robot. Most of the wires and the charging station would be at the back so it wouldn’t look messy and get tangled.  


David’s prototype:

The goal of solving the problem was to make a space where the robot could be visible easily charged accessible and organized. My prototype had a name and color so children of all ages would be able to place the robots back in their correct cubbies. I also created cubbies which makes the robots visible along with a hole in the top to charge the robot. This makes the robot easily charged accessible and organized.


Feedback questions:

  • Is the moving cart aspect the best design? Do they need to be able to move?


  • How many robots of each type are there?
  • How old are these users of the robots?
  • What are the dimensions of each type of robot?
  • How long are the charging cables?
November 21

Thinking About Prototyping

Hi High School buddies! How’s the project going? Have you made any prototypes yet? We sketched out our ideas for possible solutions in the Edgewood spaces. You can take a look at our drawings in this folder. We are going to try to make prototypes soon. We’re thinking of making our models out of cardstock or using Tinkercad to design 3D models. We’re looking forward to seeing your ideas. Good luck with your work!