November 29

New Meeting Room

Our goal is to eliminate the long line in the lunch room every day, and streamline the whole overall lunch experience in the school.

Our idea is to separate the one hour lunch period into two half hour periods, one for lunch and one for recess. Half of the students would go to to lunch first, and half would go to recess. There would be two lunch options available to all students. The students parents will buy the meal for the students the week before the lunch period. There would be two lines for the two different meals, with a picture of the meal being served in front of the line. The lines would operate on a rotating system, where the student first in the lunch line one day would be last in the line the next day.


My prototype is a wristband that creates a more practical line system for the kids in the lunchroom. When the parents order the food for the kid through the app, they insert a colored card with a picture of the kids’ food for the day into the bracelet. During the lunch period, the kids go into lines based on color of their wristband so that the lines go quicker and the system is more efficient.


My prototype is a bracelet with a clear slot to slip in a the bracelet. The kids would pick numbers out of a hat and slip them into the bracelet to determine their spots in line. This would help equalize and streamline the lines in the cafeteria


My prototype is a simple menu which shows the meal of the day. There is both a picture and a description of the meal and children can choose whether or not they want to bring lunch that day. The menu can be found online and in the cafeteria.

November 29

Old Meeting Room

Hi guys! Great job! We really liked your idea about the bigger font and the pictures for the younger kids. You guys did a really good job finding out who to design for, and what the main issue is. If you watch the video we made, we had some similar ideas. Because you guys are practicing how to be real life entrepreneurs and designers, the next step is to redesign your problem. Feel free to use inspiration from our designs and try to make them even better. Great job guys!

November 21

Thinking About Prototyping

Hi High School buddies! How’s the project going? Have you made any prototypes yet? We sketched out our ideas for possible solutions in the Edgewood spaces. You can take a look at our drawings in this folder. We are going to try to make prototypes soon. We’re thinking of making our models out of cardstock or using Tinkercad to design 3D models. We’re looking forward to seeing your ideas. Good luck with your work!