Vote For Me

Vote for Clara!! Hi, I’m Clara. Imagine yourself as a leader someone people can rely on. Well that could be me as student body president. I’m a clean organized person that you can trust on. If you vote for me I would change when you have playground, blacktop, where you sit at lunch, and much more! Don’t forget vote for Clara for the best days at school!

I love Heathcote so much but if I was the student body president there are a couple things that I would change! The first thing I would change is for us to be able to go on blacktop field or playground any day. I would do this because we go on playground and field one day and the next day blacktop. For example I have seen lots of kids complaining about this which is important to take their opinions too but sometimes kids don’t like blacktop or playground and just want to play with the younger/older group. I would write an essay to Mrs. Stile and reasons why we should change this. So making anyone be able to go where they wanted on recess would not hurt anyone and would make people happy!

The second thing that I would do is where we are/aren’t able to sit at lunch. I would do this because being able to sit with your class is nice but sometimes we need a change. Even though fifth grade has that privilege but can lose it other grades should have that too. For instance imagen someone gets into a class that they have no friends in it, they could be very upset but what if they sat wherever they wanted to sit it could be a little chaotic but we should give each grade some chances for it because then everyone could be happy and no one would complain about having no friends in their class.

Once again you should vote for me for the best days at school, best lunch/recess, and for where you spend your days at recess. If you were ever to run for student body president what changes would you make and how would you make them?

Board of Legislators!

Could you imagine if someone said to you,I think we should have Starbucks everyday! That’s a terrible idea!! That’s how we debated at the board of legislature field trip! (we didn’t exactly debate about starbucks but that’s ok!)I’m gonna tell you all about my ideas, debates and what I learned about. And I really hope you like my opinions cause they were sure good! I had lots of fun and I learned so much! 

I had so much fun on the field trip. My favorite parts were speaking into the microphone because it made me feel very professional because we all took turns saying our opinions which mine was VERY important.  Another thing that I liked was hitting the gavel. It was very cool and it made me feel important and that I had a lot of power! The last thing that I really enjoyed is that I got to shake the legislature’s hand which was very pleasing and exciting. It was very nice because when he shook my hand and he said “ you look like a nice smart little girl.” I was super cheerful!!! There were so many great parts and so many learning experiences!!

I learned lots and lots of fun things but my favorite one was learning how all the stuff there in the building worked and how for example when we were in the meeting room and we had to take turns talking discussing our opinions there was even a head of the table which made it even more realistic and much cooler! We also learned how to bang the gavel and what to say if you were on the top chair in the chamber of the legislature’s board room. The last thing that we learned that they do is the names to call people like the chair the clerk and you can also call each other legislature and then their name! I was even like woah this is so cool I feel soooo professional!

I had lots of fun and I learned so much! Do you know your legislature? Have you ever been to your board of legislature building? Well if you haven’t then you should definitely go because it’s worth it! You will learn so much and most importantly you will have lots of fun!

The First Weeks of School!

Do you remember the first week of fifth grade? Well I sure do! There were so many amazing, fun experiences and so many more in the future!

Some things I’ve liked in 5th grade this past week is my identity map project and getting to draw and write down stuff that I like to do and about my family and where I was born that was very cool. While I was working on my identity map I said to myself, “Why did I draw my dog like a cat?!” Last year I did something like an identity map and it was super fun but this year I made it a little different and with more details. I also loved music with the new teacher Ms. Accola. It was fun learning new songs, getting to know her and playing music with her. While I was at music I started thinking wow Ms. Accola is super nice! I also loved when we got to pick our seats because we were the only ones in the school who got that privilege to pick our own seats. Even though sitting wherever we wanted was very chaotic, it was very nice so we could sit with people who weren’t in our classes and get a chance to talk to them.

Something that I am looking forward to doing this year is the Fifth Grade Halloween Party. When I figured out that I was having one I said, “What is the 5th grade halloween party?” I don’t know much about it but I’m excited to dress up with my friends and have lots and lots of fun. I’m also very excited for curling with Mr. Borgia because we have curled before but it was in the gym and now it’s for a field trip and on real ice which sound like would be a lot more fun! My brother went curling on the ice two years ago with Mr. Borgia and I got super jealous but now I get to go and I’m super excited! The last thing is that I’m also excited for poetry because poetry is my favorite type of writing. I love writing poems and making stuff rhyme and writing crazy and funny stuff.

Overall, the first week of school was super amazing and fun. I’m looking forward to this year a lot too for my graduation cause we get to miss school and for the halloween party to eat too much candy! Did you have a good time your first week of 5th grade cause I know I did!