April 30

Stock market #6

This week it will finish my slide show. It will show both interview, 3 of the most important interview questions, how to read and trade stocks. It will be the last thing I need to do. I have learned a lot from doing this project. The most important thing I learned was that something as small as the stock market can teach you so much. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fduih9GTrlEiXk33j63McNmFP0_mTR8ofR5sN65RfGA/edit#slide=id.p

April 12

Stock Market #3

This week I will do both of my interviews. I will do a face to face for one and email the other. I will start my slide show after the interview. I am hoping to get all of my info from interview. I will record my interview. I will hope to go to the stock market. Next blog I will have my interview. I think I have learned more about the stock market than I thought.

April 10

Stock Market 2

Since my last post I have done a lot. This week I will do one of my interviews. I will interview my dad. I had an idea that I should also find out if the crash of the stock market affected the people. I have most of y researcher done. In a week I will start my slide show. I think I will will put my interview video in the slide show.

April 7

Stock Market #1

For my passion project I will studied the Stock Market. I will learn how to read and trade stocks I am hoping to go to the stock market. I will interview my dad and one of his workers. My questions are why is the stock market so important? Do you make a lot of money by trading stocks? Could trading stocks be your job? for my final project I will make a slide show. I chose this because my dad always wanted to teach me how to trade and read stocks. I will update my blog 3-4 times a week. According to List of stock exchanges, the largest 20 by capital traded about 6,631 billion shares in January of 2015, or 315 Billion shares per trading day. Here is one resource that I used    http://themint.org/kids/what-is-the-stock-market.html