Launching and graphing rocket 1

We are now getting ready to create rocket two which I’m super excited for.

It was hard but we all helped out and each of us got a job and did are part I did  nose cone, taping ,and helped glue on the fins.

 We launched are first rocket and It went very high in fact we won and  we went 192 feet 50 degrees we got a lot of great footage and photos I think we were all nervous and thought we weren’t going to do well but we did amazing we were so happy but we still helped tape are classmates launch and we did a lot of vogues but i think the  best part was getting to celebrate a victory with each other I was rocket launcher which was really fun and I also got to be something called a kilometer reader Here’s some photos of are journey .This is me putting the rocket on are tube getting ready to launch.


 I was really excited because  I got to be the rocket launcher me and my group had a lot of fights for who would get to do the job so that’s why I was really excited I got to launch a  rocket .


Designing and building Rocket 1

The research was fun and very exciting but we had to do a lot of research but we  did have a lot of research and photos to support are slide show and to make an inspiration board with quotes photos and facts and of course  to make a model and eventually we made It In class withThis is are inspiration board

different materials eventually we

We all agreed on the color and the fins but I think we should have made a larger nose cone and smaller fins .We mostly agreed on things but every now and then we had a fight or two It took a lot of teamwork to build are rocket design but it was fun and I kind of liked getting to help choose the rockets color and shape and height .We chose Halloween colors for are first design.We used cardboard, paper, tape, and glue.To create are rocket.                                                      This is are Halloween themed rocket.


In are group a strategy of ares was popsicle sticks If we were fighting we would pick out a popsicle stick whosoever name was on It would say there idea but we also did a lot of majority rules type of thing .

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5E rocketry

So far this a fun and exiting experience i love how i’m learning so much but also having fun with my group .My group and i are doing very well we already have a good rocket  design a thin tube tree thick wings and a strong nose cone .We are going to use cardboard tinfoil glue and styrofoam .

I have learned a lot like for example i learned the three laws of motion such as 1 A body at rest will remain at rest,and a body in motion will remain in motion unless it is acted upon a external force.2 The force acting on a object is equal to the mass of that object times it’s acceleration ,F=ma.3 For every action there is an ,equal and opposite reaction.

Are team name is the chichos  we mostly agree on things and get along we all have good ideas on how we are going to make are rocket fly. This is a fun experience and i highly recommend it.

kind jungle

Think of kindness as

like a jungle the more your kind the more                                                                                                                                  species we find and we can all  agree we love animals

so share the love and spread it like a bug .

maglev train


We all did a great job. We all had very different great ideas we had a little bit

Of a disagreement  but other than that the process was really fun and easy .

Our greatest challenge was finding the correct magnet that we all agreed on

But that also worked Because one person wanted rings one person wanted

Strips one person wanted discs but we all had a great time.And figured it out.

Maglev train 3




WE FAILED at our first attempt but i’m excited to try again. The reason why it did not work was because the sides were attracting not repeling  so it was not levitating . Our second try we succeeded. I don’t want to give away too much but the strips were a great idea. We had a little bit of argument but other than that this was a great experience and i won’t forget the time it worked. We all had great ideas .


The reason it worked was because we aligned the strips so perfectly so it would levitate.

We found out a way to make the sides not attract. It was hard but once we got it it was this amazing feeling.Our best idea was taking out the rings and adding strips .