The hardest part of this level was not noting how to turn Right at first so i clicked HINT and it told me too put Left three times to to turn all the way around and then go forward until you reach the Gem.
Music video
I really liked creating my tynker music video because I go to play around and explore all the different features and codes. I also really liked being able to see my progress on the project and how it went from just a background to a whole animation in just a couple of clicks.
About me Project
For my about me project in Tynker I used a glazed doughnut avatar because that is one of my favorite foods, a bicycle avatar because I like biking, a lavender flower avatar because they are my favorite flower and scent, a dog because I love dogs and a pig because pigs are my second favorite animal – Maddie Lassiter
Computer science is changing everything
In the video “Computer Science Is Changing Everything” I find it fascinating how Vida explains how a machine called a sequencer Takes your DNA from saliva and find’s out what’s wrong with you if you feel sick in under a hour. But Vida also talks about how a sequencer can also pull up all the different viruses and find a sequence of interest. The fact that a computer can help discover viruses and can diagnose somebody that’s sick. Really shows that computer science is changing everything. So in conclusion this shows how far technology has come and how much more we have to discover.
Capstone Blog Post 3
For my Capstone project, I decided to go with an Adobe Spark Video or a “Movie.” For the most part, it was pretty easy making the video itself but it was difficult to upload it to the final projects in Google Drive. I look forward to seeing it on the web because of all the hard work that was put into my Capstone project. The thing I enjoyed the most throughout this project was being able to find and research all types of information.
My main inquiry question is, “What was the range of entertainment available during The Great Depression?” Well, after lots of research and an interview, I have come to the conclusion that there were a lot of types of entertainment but not all of it was available to each family. For example, some types of pastimes were too expensive so people made their own ways to have fun. Movies and sports were two of the cheaper, more popular activities during the Great Depression. Movies were very popular because they were entertaining, cheap, and, overall, a fun way to spend time with your loved ones. Sports were also quite popular because they were cheap, fun, and an easy way to escape the harsh reality of life during hard times.
Now I could keep listing forms of entertainment but you get the point. The entertainment enjoyed during the Great Depression all depended on how much money your family had and if you were white or not.
Capstone Blog Post 2
For my capstone project I had to do an interview with someone my capstone is about The Great Depression. Becky little is a journalist who writes articles for history websites like national geographic History and many others. I asked her about ten questions altogether. Getting a interview with her was very easy I searched up her name on google and it said she had a account on twitter so my teacher reached out to her and asked if I could interview her and she replied almost immediately after that we set up a time for me to interview her and when it came the day we zoomed first i introduced myself and then I asked her my questions and I got all the answers I needed and then I wrote them down so here are the questions I asked her and the answers I got.
- Why Did The Great Depression last so long? International terror flaws, Also when so many people were out of work the whole country was trying to figure out how to get back on their feet.
- Why are you passionate about this topic? She writes a lot about history and she thinks it is interesting how America has got through the previous crisis.
- What made you interested in writing an article about Ten Ways Americans had fun during the great depression? She said she was interested in how people lived during this time.
- What do you know about the most popular types of entertainment during The Great Depression? Going to the movies, musicals, music and more.
- Why do you think it’s important to know about The Great Depression? SHe says it’s always important to learn about your country’s history.
- From your knowledge how were boys and girls treated differently? Boys could get away with a lot more then girls but race also played a big factor.
- Do you think bigger cities or smaller cities had a larger range of entertainment? There was more access to activities in bigger cities.
- Why did so many people move to california? If your family lost their job or they couldn’t make ends meet they would usually move to a different city in search of work.
- Do you think boys or girls had a better childhood growing up? If you were a white wealthy child you had it the easiest but it was easier to be a white boy because you had fewer restrictions.
- Is it true if you were a married woman you were not allowed to work? No hat is false women that were married were not expected to work but they were allowed to have a job.
Capstone Blog Post #1 – Topic and Main Inquiry Question
For capstone I chose my topic to be The Great Depression and my main inquiry question is What was the range of entertainment available during the great depression?.
Capstone is about one main question and the answer to that question but when you have your main inquiry question in order to answer it you have to have sub questions. Sub questions are side questions that help answer your main inquiry question. My teachers and parents were very helpful when it came to choosing my main inquiry question. My dad told me a lot of information about the entertainment during The Great Depression and got me interested about it. And my teachers helped me choose the right wording for my question.
It was challenging to choose my main inquiry question because at first I was tied between the art of The Great Depression and the entertainment but once I chose my topic I then had to choose my question. This was a very difficult process because at first I wanted to do the difference between rich people and poor people’s entertainment during The Great Depression but then I decided to instead do The range of entertainment available instead. Because I could collect more information and could have better sub questions. I have learned about myself as a learner that I learn quicker when I use websites that have online articles or voice readings because I just understand what they’re talking about more and I also just remember it more easily.
Martin luther king Jr. blog post
Martin luther king .Jr
Martin luther king Jr. was born January 15, 1929 in Atlanta Georgia . Martin luther king was a civil rights activist and a baptist minister he helped end segregation he also gave speeches on segregation.His most famous speech is I have a dream speech.In the speech he said I have a dream that one day my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
Martin luther king.Jr will always be remembered for his miraculous work. Martin luther king made a big impact on the world. When he was little he lived in a little black city with black children he had to drink from different water fountains go in different elevators sit in different parts of a bus and eat at certain restaurants.
He had gone to jail multiple times for not listening to the segregation law. He also led peaceful marches and told people to fight with kindness, not their fists. Martin luther king .Jr was a very calm person and not hateful he taught people to throw peaceful protests.
I love how kind, peacfull,and patient martin was and how he influenced people.
Designing and Building Rocket 3
For are third rocket we pretty much memorized the process . Google drawing,building,adding to script and then launching are rocket we went with a thin body three fins one nose cone ,and a smaller body .
This time we really wanted to win you see are parents were going to be watching us launch so we really wanted to win.
Are team effort was good and now we are getting ready to present are slide show witch we are proud of.
There was a lot of pressure on us so we worked extra hard.
But we got the job done without going off topic.
We made the rocket halloween colors again because we did the best when are rocket was halloween themed so we did it for good luck.
This photo was from are previous launch we did not have a lot of photos from this launch because we were not allowed to bring cell Phones ect it was kind of sad to know this would be last time building.
Launching and graphing Rocket 2
I think creating rocket two was easier because we knew what we were doing and were more aware of how to make are rockets but we also had a lot more agreements and there were more compromises on colors shapes and sizes we went with a christmas theme and was going to make the same design but unfortunetlly we had to change some part of are rocket wich kind of through us off but we dicided to Change the nose cone we changed by making the nose cone taller and more flat making rocket two was simple because we all knew what had to be done so we didn’t waste a second but It was still extremely hard .
This time everybody was more reasonable and we got a lot more done but i also liked the coloring of are rocket more .When we were creating the body as we were taping down the paper we had to retape It several times because the flaps kept coming up .
Me and my group were much more relaxed and calm because we already had all the information we needed google drawings and more.There was a lot of pressure because we all knew that we had to launch eventually .But most of all it was so fun me and other students had been waiting for this rocketry unit for over a year.Me and my group members get along very well.