Personal Narrative Reflection

In my personal narrative  I first made four drafts and then my final one but I had to work a lot on it. I planned my story out, which was very helpful because I was able to see my different scenes that I have for my personal narrative and then I made a document and wrote my scenes down and wrote my story but I never really was finished with it there were almost always things that I could add. But then I was finally finished with my personal narrative after planning it, making different drafts, coming up with a story,revising it, and making a title.  I chose this story because I actually couldn’t come up with something else but I also thought that that’s just something that I want to write about.

I think I wrote a good ending in my story also when it was hard to come up with one. But I think I wrote a good ending. Because I had two endings that I thought would be good, one was a realization and the other one I thought was just a good ending. But I kind of tried to include both and at the end I think it came out good. I think also when my story is not so long I made it long enough because at the moment it was very short. But what I want to improve in my writing is my dialogue and inner thinking. I wrote a lot of inner thinking but I still think that when I read my personal narrative it doesn’t sound really realistic and I only wrote one dialogue and I want to improve that. 

I can see that I improved my writing from  the other drafts that I made for the narrative. It helped me to plan out my story because I was able to see how many parts I have and which part the most important was and that helped And it was helpful to write the scenes in the document because next to the scene I wrote what happened in that scene and I think that’s helpful because I was able to see what would happen in this scene and I just think that’s more helpful than just writing everything down.


Book review


                     The book Wing & claw the author is Linda Sue Park. Wing & Claw is a fantasy book that is about a magical forest and a boy that is called Raffa that is smart and one day a bat flies to him but the bat is hurt so he wants to heal the bat for that he has to go to the magical forest to find a healing for the bat but his parents first didn’t want that he goes in the magical forest because sometimes when people go there they never come back. I like the book a lot because it is fantasy. The book is exciting and fun to read. I totally recommend this book.