Spreadsheets 1

I will be researching Arizona.

Fun fact about Arizona: They have 3 sports teams! The Phoenix Suns, Arizona Diamondbacks and Arizona Cardinals. They also are the home of the Grand Canyon, one of the 7 wonders of the world.

My three questions about Arizona: When was it established as a state? When was the Grand Canyon discovered? Who is the most famous person to be born/live there?

It was established as a state in 1912, with the Great Canyon coming way before that in 1540. On famousbirthdays.com, tiktok star Noah Beck is listed as the most famous person ever born in Arizona. I also recognized legendary hall of fame wrestler “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels.

The first state official state was Delaware, established in 1787. The last state established was Hawaii in 1959.

One fact I learned sorting spreadsheets: The average amount of people that immigrated to America every year from 1820-2017 is 423,544.

My Cam Automata!

On Friday, I built a cam automata! The project took me 2 hours. I built it with my mom. It was very hard to build the cam automata. It required a lot of patience, and very little room for error. However, I did enjoy building it. It was a lot of fun! I am very excited to see what we are building next. My cam automata did not work, which was disappointing, because I worked very hard on it for very long. Next time my dad is going to help me and my mom. He is good at these kind of things. We are going to start the next project tomorrow so we have more time to do a better job. Here is my cam automata. You can click on the photo to make it bigger.

Tesla Yet Again Falls Short To Cadillac Super Cruise

After Tesla’s new beta of self driving did a poor job of engaging drivers in the new mode, they lost a significant amount of points and came in second place Consumer Reports’ most recent rankings of ‘driver-assistance’ vehicles. In 2018, just 7 cars were ranked in the list. This year, there were 17. Cadillac Super Cruise won both years. However, Tesla didn’t do so bad this year.

“When it comes to lane-keeping assist, Tesla did the best in our tests,” Consumer Reports said, and when the system loses too much road information like lane lines, it very loudly notifies the driver to take over. “Almost all of the other systems we evaluated don’t make any noise to indicate that the system is stopping its steering,” the magazine said. This section came from an article by businessinsider.com

However, Tesla tied for last place in driver engagement and clarity around when the system is safe to use. This brought there ranking down a ton, which is the main reason they did not take first place.

10/22 Blog (Class Notes)


If you lift a bowling bowl two meters, it will take 8 newtons of force. However, if you roll it down a ramp it will divide the force into two.


A lever is made of FLE.


F1: Fulcrum (Balancing point, where lever tips.)

L2: Load (Lifts it up)

E3: Effort (Pull/Push)


Input over Output = Mechanical Advantage (Ma)


Here is my guess of FLE on a nail cutter:


Here is my estimate of FLE on a wheelbarrow: 


A wheel and axle has a big wheel and a small wheel. The small one is an axel. The big one is a wheel. A doornkbob is a wheel and axe

10/26 Blog (Class notes)

A wheel and axle is really just a lever in 360 degrees. That’s why turning a doorknob is so easy.


A screwdriver is a wheel and axle.


Cams are in every gas engine. A cam is a mechanism that turns a variously shaped disk on an axel and a follower follows its edge. A cam has an eccentric cam, axle, follower and a bearing. The cam will lift the valve, and it lets gasoline in. The gas will explode. The other cam will go down and another cam will be timed to go up when the other goes down and it lets out exhaust and as the gas explodes it lifts the piston. It creates a system that happens overtime. This is how your engine runs in a car (except Tesla’s). ————————————————————————————————————————

10/19 Blog (Class Notes)

*NEW UNIT* Simple Machines


Simple machines are made to make something, well, simplistic. The official definition is “A simple machine is a mechanical device that changes the direction or magnitude of a force. In general, they can be defined as the simplest mechanisms that use mechanical advantage to multiply force.” For example, a scissor is a simple machine. It makes cutting simpler. A light bulb is a simple machine. A door is a simple machine. Simple machines are all over the world – and life would be un-imaginable without them.


Simple machines can be used as just one, but are better in groups. For example, a light bulb can be used as just one bulb, but it would be brighter with multiple.


The six different types of simple machines are inclined plane, lever, wedge, wheel and axle, pulley, and screw.


To understand what simple machines really are and what they really do for us. In order to do that, we need to understand what work is.


Work definition = [Force Applied] x [Distance the Object Is Moved]


A Newton is equal to the force that would give a 1 KILO mass an acceleration on of one meter per second using the gravity of earth. For example, 41 pennies is the weight of a newton. The Newton was named after Issac Newton. Newton created the Scientific Method and Discovered the Laws of Motion.. He is credited to being one of the first scientists, and is regarded by many as the smartest man ever.


Fun fact: Issac Newton was a germaphobe. He was watching the apple fall through a window, he would not lean on a dirty tree.


Issac Newton knew that gravity was real, but he needed proof. Newton needed to use math. Right then and there, he invented calculus to prove that the planets orbit under the sun. Calculus is still used today. He was really on another level.


Tesla Introducing Full Self Drive Cars October 20

On October 20th, Tesla plans to release a full self driving car to few customers. The car is in it’s beta, and Tesla CEO Elon Musk plans to only give this car to “careful users”. The software comes out in just 5 days, and I’m very excited to see how this revolutionizes the car industry. I think if the car is a success, and if it does really drive it self, and it drives itself well, Tesla’s stock will skyrocket. It is already +14.65. I hope pretty soon this car is available to all in the public. I cannot wait to see what Elon Musk has planned after this. Maybe flying cars! I think Tesla will be atop the car business for a long, long time.

10/13 Blog

It matters how and where you put your batteries – it could be the difference between a fire or a working light bulb.

Stacking the batteries will make the light bulb extremely bright – putting them near each other but not stacked will still light the bulb.

Think of resistance as a straw – if you try to suck on a tiny straw, it will be very hard because the straw is not made for that.

Resistance definition: “opposes the current flow in a circuit”

Light bulbs provide their one resistance – that’s where it gets the heat from. However, it can be too much and it can explode.


Ohm’s law:

Voltage = V (Measured in Vols)

Current = I (Measured in Amperes)

Resistance = R (Measured in Ohms)


Ohm’s triangle:

V on top

I on bottom left

R on bottom right

Two plus signs in the middle on each side

One multiplication symbol in between R and I


1-5 mA: Mild discomfort

5-10 mA: Pain

10-20 mA: Muscle contractions

20+ mA: Paralysis to deathly


How much current will travel through your body using a 9 volt battery? .09


Mr. Calvert will put a battery on his tounge, which my guess says would cause him 5-10 mA (pain).

Voltage of battery: 9 V

Resitance of tounge: 7 kilhooms, (better than dry skin)

Current: ?


I was wrong.

The current was 1.71 kilhooms.

He experienced mild discomfort.



Dust Buddies

In the story Dust Buddies the main character is caring. I know this because even though the other Dust Buddies were mean to him he went into the vacuum and saved them. The main character

have let them die but he saved them even though they were teasing him. Also, before that he tried to warn them the cleaning lady was coming. He screamed “No!” when they got sucked up which

shows he really cares about them but he quickly put them them back together and horried them out. That is why the main character in the story Dust Buddies is caring.

Maglev Train Project With Rafael By: Michael Margolin

The past few days in school during science class we have been building Maglev trains. My partner was Rafael and the last day of the project Lucas joined. Mrs. Winders assigned me as the spokesperson. Me & Rafael’s idea was we could get 2 Strip Magnets and use them as tracks and then we could use Disc Magnets to hold it down and then to cover up the holes that attract we would cut Strip Magnets really small and attach them.


On the first day we worked on planning it out, getting resources, and cutting. Rafael would do the cutting and get the resources. I would plan our design. Like I said, I’m the spokesperson and he’s the builder. So, after he finished getting resources and cutting and I finished planning, I showed Rafael the plan and how we were going to place it and make it work.


On the second day we found out that it would levitate in a box and we would take a piece of foam and tape our magnets to it. At first we were confused but after experimenting we found out that non-magnetic objects do not affect the magnetic force. So I began instructing Rafael on how to cut the strip magnets and he did really well. He gave me them and I placed them down in the box. It was going pretty well and we looked like we were going to succeed! Because of that we decided to start collecting resources for the Maglev Train itself.

At the beginning of day 3, Lucas came!We also found out that the train was not aloud to move; it could only float. We managed to finish up the tracks and began building the train. Lucas got the resources, Rafe got the magnets, and I put it together. It all worked! But then, the box fell over and the design was ruined. Luckily, we managed to fix it in time and it worked just in time for the presentation.

Here is a real maglev train! https://youtu.be/aIwbrZ4knpg