The past few days in school during science class we have been building Maglev trains. My partner was Rafael and the last day of the project Lucas joined. Mrs. Winders assigned me as the spokesperson. Me & Rafael’s idea was we could get 2 Strip Magnets and use them as tracks and then we could use Disc Magnets to hold it down and then to cover up the holes that attract we would cut Strip Magnets really small and attach them.
On the first day we worked on planning it out, getting resources, and cutting. Rafael would do the cutting and get the resources. I would plan our design. Like I said, I’m the spokesperson and he’s the builder. So, after he finished getting resources and cutting and I finished planning, I showed Rafael the plan and how we were going to place it and make it work.
On the second day we found out that it would levitate in a box and we would take a piece of foam and tape our magnets to it. At first we were confused but after experimenting we found out that non-magnetic objects do not affect the magnetic force. So I began instructing Rafael on how to cut the strip magnets and he did really well. He gave me them and I placed them down in the box. It was going pretty well and we looked like we were going to succeed! Because of that we decided to start collecting resources for the Maglev Train itself.
At the beginning of day 3, Lucas came!We also found out that the train was not aloud to move; it could only float. We managed to finish up the tracks and began building the train. Lucas got the resources, Rafe got the magnets, and I put it together. It all worked! But then, the box fell over and the design was ruined. Luckily, we managed to fix it in time and it worked just in time for the presentation.
Here is a real maglev train!