Class Trip to The Board of Legislators

Imagine you’re in a big room and you are debating with your friends about banning vending machines in the school cafeteria.Chair Dean, will call on you and you will talk in a really cool microphone about your opinion. That is what happened on our trip to The Board of Legislators. This is what I am going to tell you about. You are going to learn about what I enjoyed and what I learned.

Two things I learned about The Legislative Branch of County Government are how to be a real legislator and I learned all about Legislator Benjamin Boykin. The chairman would go around and ask our opinion. Then the chairman will go around again and we will state our final vote. I learned that there are about 765,000 people in district 16.

I enjoyed talking in the really cool microphone that connected to speakers all around the room. Another thing that I enjoyed was debating with friends. Some people said nay and some people said yay. Nay means no, and yay means yes.

In this blog post you learned about what I enjoyed about being a legislator and what I learned about being a legislator. What did you like about my trip? Would consider coming there.

First Week of 5th Grade

We put our head down and the teacher walks around the room and puts a binder clip on someone’s clothes. Then we stand up and we walk around the room and we try to find the binder clip. But if we find it then we sit down. That is just one thing that I am going to talk about. In this blog post I will be telling you about what I am looking forward to, like Hot Dog Field Day and teacher vs students volleyball game! I am also going to tell you about what has been fun this past week, the energisers and the index card challenge.

Two things that I enjoyed this past week were the index card challenge and the energisers we have been doing. The index card challenge was to build the tallest building out of index cards only using 100 index cards. It was so fun because we had to be creative with it. The other one that I loved is the energisers that we did. My favorite was clandestine paper clip. How it works is that the teacher puts a paperclip on a student’s clothes. Then you walk around the room and try to find it. Why it was my favorite is because it is a secret.   

I am looking forward to field day and the volleyball game. I am looking forward to it because all the sports  and we play against all the other classes. I am also looking forward to the teacher vs students because I love volleyball. In pe we play against the teachers in a volleyball game. It is a really fun day that only the 5th graders have. Also we try to beat the teachers.

I am looking forward to field day and the volleyball game. I am looking forward to it because all the sports  and we play against all the other classes. I am also looking forward to the teacher vs students because I love volleyball. In pe we play against the teachers in a volleyball game. It is a really fun day that only the 5th graders have. Also we try to beat the teachers.