5th Grade Philadelphia Trip

Earlier this year, we had our Philadelphia trip. I decided to post this now, just like a few other posts because I never got to post them. Anyway, we went to Philadelphia to learn about the important things that happened there in the past. Like the Constitution. I really liked the trip. I thought it was really fun and exciting. Right now, I am going to tell you some things about it.

There was one annoying thing about the trip. We had to be at school at 5:45 a.m. to get on the bus at 6:00! I wasn’t sleepy though because I was too excited. One awesome thing was that the bus was a coach bus and we were allowed to use our phones on the ride there and back. In all of the places we visited, our teachers allowed us to take photos and videos with our phones. When we went to see the Constitution, we weren’t allowed to take pictures with flash because it could ruin the paper because of how old it is. I thought that the liberty bell was pretty cool. When I went there, I saw it for the first time. What surprised me though was that it was smaller than I had expected it to be. We saw a show too. When we were close to leaving, it started to rain really badly, so I got really wet. The bus ride back was longer than getting there and plus I was uncomfortable because of how wet I was which was really annoying! At least we got to use our phones though.

I suggest that you go to Philly one day. It was really fun and I think you’ll really enjoy it!

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