This is my summary on Jane GoodallG. I worked very hard on this. I chose to do Jane Goodall because I once read a book about her and I became very interested about her. I hope you enjoy my slides!
This is my summary on Jane GoodallG. I worked very hard on this. I chose to do Jane Goodall because I once read a book about her and I became very interested about her. I hope you enjoy my slides!
This is my summary of November Nights. I learned not to tell every little detail of the story but just the important parts. I also learned not to write he, she, or they but to actually call the characters by their names. Also I learned to tell the problem and the solution and lastly the lesson learned. I hope you enjoy my summary!
New neighbors are moving in next to Bradley and Brian’s house. The new neighbors names are Mr. and Ms. Sargent. In Mr. and Ms. Sargent yard there was a tree. Bradley, Brian, Lucy and Nate used to play in the tree and left some of their stuff inside the tree. They want to get their stuff back! But Mr. and Ms. Sargent are doing something to the tree, Bradley, Brian, Lucy and Nate don’t know what Mr. and Ms. Sargent are doing to the tree! They are going to find out by doing Operation Brian. It was midnight on Thanksgiving The kids did Operation Brian, they snuck into Mr. and Ms. Sargents yard. But they were caught! It turns out that Mr. and Ms. Sargent were making a cardboard space shuttle for their grandchildren. The lesson learned is asking is always a better way than sneaking.