Rube Goldberg Blog Post #1
The Decisions
From the moment Mrs. Edwards explained that we are going to make a Rube Goldberg machine, I was very excited! A part that really stood out to me was that the video of the machine was going to be posted on YouTube! I was looking forward to building my contraption.
Before I began, I had to understand what exactly was a Rube Goldberg machine. Do you know what a Rube Goldberg machine is? A Rube Goldberg machine is a machine that is intentionally designed to perform a simple task in an indirect and over-complicated fashion. The expression is named after the American cartoonist, Rube Goldberg, whose cartoons often depicted such machines.
After we were assigned the project, we first had to decide if we were working independently or in a group. Initially I was leaning towards working in a group, but after thinking about it and trying to figure out what the best option was for me to make my experience the most enjoyable and educational, I decided that I would work independently. I understood that working alone would be very hard as I would have to do everything and I was okay with that. The biggest advantage of working alone for me was, that it would give me freedom to choose time according to my convenience to work on the project and i wouldn’t need to compromise on my ideas/ design. It was easy to decide where I would be doing my project. That would be the basement in my home!
I decided to start building and sketching simultaneously as that would help me with adjusting the design to make it a working model. When I started building I used materials that I already had at my house, which was mostly toys and paper towel tubes. Building the machine also helped me with sketching the design which is due on 2/12.
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