Rube Goldberg Blog Post #3
The Building Process
I have started building based on some of the ideas that I have so far. I have five steps right now and I have some additional ideas for the next three steps. As I mentioned before, I am planning to do an eight step design.
For the first five steps, I begin with a marble run, where the marble moves through an assigned path. The marble then rolls across the bridge, colliding with a car. The car will then hit a ball, making the ball go down the ramp. After that the ball is going to land in a cone attached to a balance. I had to think hard about how to capture the ball, and after a few iterations came up with an idea of building a cone. That worked well!
The ideas for the other three steps are as follows: The ball causes the side with the cone to do down while the other side goes up (like a see-saw), this causes the spinner to spin. When the spinner spins, it knocks a ball down a ramp. At the end of the ramp, I want to place some dominos that the ball can knock over. I was thinking that maybe the last domino would be attached to a yo-yo string which knocks over another set of dominos. That last part took a lot of iterations to get working, and I was so happy when it did! I had a few fails with my machine but I learnt from them and fixed them. Some worked and some didn’t. It’s not how many times you fail, but whether you overcome failure and succeed in the end!
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